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File:[crossover][enoshima junko….png (1.52 MB,2571x4639)


Vern why do you endorse people spamming your website?
What the fuck is the response going to be if someone spams CP and no one is online?
(as of right now at 1:37 EST both you are Yotgo are not in IRC and the board is still swamped with soyjak posts)


i didn't even notice there was soijack spam until i checked /trans/
regards, keepingiteasyman


if it gets spammed with something illegal then hopefully cloudflare's csam protection kicks in.

I'm uncertain that I can maintain the same site atmosphere if I were to get another person on the staff list. Cool Guy is 100% reliable as a mod, but other people will take oversight.


>if it gets spammed with something illegal then hopefully cloudflare's csam protection kicks in.
It didn't the last time something illegal was spammed (ISIS shit).


If it gets to that point I turn up the captchas until it makes it so that less can be posted before someone deletes.
Having a way for me to be notified of reports would be nice though


>Having a way for me to be notified of reports would be nice though
Does Vern not have it or what?
You got any way of contacting you?


Many of the 4chan archives have public lists of blocked hashes which you could also block. Granted it's easy to get around.


Yeah, a vichan addon that would email reports to a specified address would be nice.

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