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Archived threads: /aut/

Displaying 5 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
448 Here's to learning English [View]
474 Favorite streamer dropped out of University I graduated from to play AoE full time [View]
475 Winter is just around the corner. [View]
459 hahahahaha https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/holiday-shopper-beware-albuquerque-family-warns-of-knock-off-gaming-console/ [spoiler]a console of rom hacks sounds more interesting to me than the real deal. some of them are really entertaining[/spoiler] [View]
1 Welcome to Autumn, The season of red, gold and brown. The days get shorter and the night grows longer. The seasonal cycle is nearing it's close. This year, Autumn ends on December 21st [View]