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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:C-1654845271853.png (618.47 KB,1018x592)


I wasted my spring indoors looking at sns feeds and writting code.


what's sns?


File:pasted image 0.png (40.87 KB,1104x516)

Japanese term


Sword 'n' Shield
Low offense generally, but shield offers a good defensive option


>social networking service (SNS)
Actually guess it's an English term but it gets said in subs when they refer to social media


File:dead_inside.jpg (39.38 KB,462x461)

I did nothing


That's not wasting, that's enjoying.


File:93817476_p0.jpg (1.74 MB,1180x1724)

Wasted my time watching money flush down the drain


The proper term is "sword and board".


sounds gay


File:sanae pc.png (888.62 KB,965x738)

Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.


File:7b93fbed270ce108cea07d89e3….gif (310.28 KB,480x270)

I did not enjoy it.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (292 KB,1920x1080)

Well... did you learn anything? LIFE IS ABOUT LEARNING THINGS!


stupid joey go attack yourself with time wizard


I learned not to waste my time on 4chan or playing videogames that aren't fun.


Moved to >>>/jp/77057.

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