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 No.1359[Last50 Posts]

Have you been surfing the information superhighway and found a video that you don't want to make a thread for, but it doesn't fit anywhere else? You can post it here


I don't know why, but I clicked "how to make cubed baguettes" even though it seemed simple and I guess it really is simple. I guess I was hoping for some sort of trick that only experts know




Those baguettes look so fucking bad !


boson magic


Apparently cities are physically damaging to live in, who could have guessed.


/jp/ duck thread reminded me of this video.



Seeing these tiny people near huge machines, and rolling them around while clad in anonymizing clean suits heavily reminds me of the scene of the Spacers Guild in the old Dune movie.



Nuclear explosions to stop a gas fire? Yep...


Nukes for peace!


20 years ago the inventor of the smiley passed away


deer licking cat


gonna learn how to use zspheres for some rudimentary rigging in zbrush


Posting a classic.


Was this a flash originally or was it originally a clip that was turned into a flash so long ago? I remember seeing a second and third flash, so it was episodic at the time.


I'm pretty sure it was a flash first, and probably uploaded to NND second, and then uploaded to youtube from someone who saw on it NND third. But, you forget that flash was commonly used to make videos, so the answer is it was probably always a flash.



Neat indie animation




hehe a post on another board lead me to this
I remember these autotune guys being pretty popular


Saya no Uta: The Animation


feel like I need to watch this at least once a year
I remember seeing this on MTV


Science has gone too far this time.




unhelpful NERD video


A video about our brains getting smaller.


idiocracy lol



This just popped up in my mind after a gazillion years.


I can't believe people do speedrun categories of the Castlevania games that are about 'collect all __'. These are games where enemies have .4% drop rates of stuff, so it's a few hours of rolling the dice and hoping it lands on 6 fifty times in a row.


Dedication like this is really admirable


what version did you watch finally


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Theatrical cut because it downloaded first and was the shortest. It was really good and I'll probably rewatch one of the other cuts later.


Posted this guy before. Still, really impressive.


I don't like the ending ;x;
So needlessly cruel...




wow it's been at least a decade since I've last seen that video. wonder how this dude is going



I thought getting the switch joy cons to work with PC was more involved than this. Huh, this is cool and could be pretty handy.


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Hah I love this one.


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No problem I'm here forever.


The first ten or so minutes of this wasn't anything new to me (and the covered videos might have even been linked here), but it's a nice general summary of research into corvid intelligence.
Birds are very important!


that bird has too high of an intelligence!


holy heck is that new wikipe-tan art?!


NES Sim City port that was never released. Very impressive.


Bonus CES footage
Those late 80s/early 90s neon colors really were something. I think I like it more than the gloomy black and greys of today.


nice little eldritch horror animation


Bah. I was watching this video to see how this add-on works and at 24:00 I noticed a problem and was eagerly waiting to see how he would go about fixing it.
Then at the linked time you can see him recognizing it and his brain scrambling for a solution, but sadly there wasn't one. I remember getting into these situations a lot and I still do.
I was hoping there'd be some easy trick to remember, but alas geometry is cruel.



Rheinmetall released a new tank.


Looking through my ooooold bookmarks and found this from seismic, the creator of that Liru ero game* that people joked about with the "never ever" thing.
It's showing the MassFX thing in 3DS Max for physics. This stuff is so much more simplified these days.

*Well, more like menu-based animations


I really enjoyed this video. It's some indie game developers (the ones from 10 years ago) talking about their experiences with mysteries in video games in arcades and stuff before the internet was a thing. You know, secret characters in arcade games spread by rumor and did not actually exist, that kind of thing.
Really nostalgic.


and it leads into this video about the making of Spelunky, which is more of a mini-documentary about its lead creator.
He also made Aquaria and that's such a beautiful and fantastic game.
I also remembered the 'make your own game' Maxis game in this that he talks about. Maybe I should have gave it more attention, huh...


Title caught my attention


can't stop smiling watching this


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Every time I see a thumbnail with a 3D face in it I get angrier, especially if it's about something serious.


I don't mind it depending on how it's done. These two are okay it's the ones where they have exaggerated reactions that bother me.


this is literally just politics. what the hell.


Yeah, I don't see any issue with those at all. They're channels/videos centered on one person talking, there's really nothing else they can do with the thumbnails. If anything, they're being honest and that's commendable in the age of clickbait


it's polisci!



bit melodramatic


Well they said there were other issues that myopia can cause. But yes, restricting homework to combat this is interesting and not something I expected. I thought it would be a matter of 'you'll have glasses, so what, get back to study'.


glasses are just a part of the way my life is. That he calls it a serious condition is funny, like someone saying that a person who is 20lb over the average weight is going to die of a heart attack


Same for me, but I have astigmatism not myopia.

I did not check how serious the conditions are that he mentions and what the chances are of getting them, maybe it is quite an issue, maybe not. I know cataracts can be quite bad if it's not treated but we do have the ability to treat it now.


These render compilation videos are pretty nice. Shame there are not many of them but I guess it takes a lot of work.


Beeenie Babies were so pokemon


cool tactics


very well structured video essay. Held my full attention for 15m





I'm six hours into this after a watching it for a couple hours each day. I have no interest in the "guy talks about a game for 8 hours" genre, but this guy is listing and describing almost every (excludes some limited time Japanese-only mobile games) Bomberman media so it's kind of interesting since I played some Bomberman games over the years and knew that I was missing a lot of stuff that never left Japan. The Bomberman Jetters anime seems pretty nice, I'll have to download it later.
It's also giving me the urge to play that one free online fan game we played on kissu a couple years ago...


That was a great video, but I had to cringe when he said he was desperately obsessed with Undertale as a kid. Dude has to be like, 20 at most. I imagine most childhood Undertale fans are teenagers right now. It really wasn't that long ago.

Nonetheless, I liked it. At times I thought the commentary was a bit too neurotic and romanticized, but it was interesting.


that author's out some good work this year


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2015, the good old days of early internet.


Yeah, when I think of anything "good old days" the latest I think of is 2001.


I was a childhood undertale fan and I'm 24. Maybe that's pushing it, because I was 16 when it came out, but still. 2015 was longer ago than you'd think.


Is there no peak to realistic graphics!


thought this was a joke at first using real life footage to look like a game


love cool weapons channels


Not sure if anyone linked this guy recently, but I started watching him again. He does old American/British food stuff and this one is on mushroom ketchup again. I wonder what it's like...

Death to reactor content!


Incredibly good channel in general, proper historian stuff for the Roman Empire, Japan, and lesser known civilizations.


A short news story about fancy military funerals for 14 recently discovered bodily remains from the American revolutionary war. Might not be interesting itself (although I think it is), but the 14th man was British and they flew soldiers over to do their own military rituals and they will eventually all be buried together.
I think that era was the peak of solider uniforms


Its a nice enough gesture, I'm glad it was done like this rather than put in a museum


I think he should have been buried in a British military cemetery, burying him alongside Americans is kind of insulting considering that he died fighting against them.


Tell the British military. Graves these old are moved often


I was thinking that at first, too, but I imagine the majority of British and other foreign soldiers that died here back then never had their bodies repatriated across the ocean. This is something I'm completely ignorant of, but my assumption is that the repatriation of bodies is a very recent phenomenon, at least for the common man.
When I think of what would be the "moral" decision here, I think it would be for him to be buried here in the US alongside his compatriots. I'm not sure if there's such a thing as a US cemetery for British war dead of the revolutionary war, but I assume he's rejoining his compatriots in some way.


You are right in the dead were rarely repatriated, usually soldiers would be buried bear the battlefield(like in this case) or they might set up a military cemetery, like how there are Soviet Military cemeteries located in Germany and vice versa. I am not sure what the practice was at the time but you would think there would be cemeteries for British people somewhere in the US.


Cool little documentary piece about a key animator who created a lot of the mainstream anime opening style.




A rather interesting video on a historical staple food for people such as sailors or soldiers for a long time


Gotta love lithium ion battery fires


Speaking of creaky voice, there's this video from the other day that briefly visualizes it as it occurs in Danish, before moving on to [ð̠˕ˠ] (which is not actually a [ð]).


Nice Youtube animation


reminds me of that one fighting game character with awesome face, a top hat, and a cane


like videos like these


Nice video


fate of the west



??? What is the fate of the west? Making comics?

I'm not interested in comics but I have seen videos like that about them on Youtube. I think the difference between the industries of comics and Manga and the follow on effects that has are interesting.

The Manga industry is fairly similar to the industry of writing and publishing books. An Artist has an idea and if a publisher likes it they will publish it.

But the comic industry is a lot different to that. It's generally a publisher deciding on the project and hiring artists to then work on it and they don't treat IPs as a series of works by an author but as a brand.
So what ends up happening is you get these huge well known Characters that have been around for decades that have had a myriad of different people working on them over time, creating different versions of the character and different stories with them that often are not in continuity with the other versions. It's like if the publisher of Lord of the Rings decided to make a new book set after the Lord of the rings with no input from Tolkein, kept going with that for decades under several new authors, ret-conning everything Tolkien wrote into oblivion and then deciding one day to reset the Lord of the rings series and now Tolkien's Middle earth is no longer the current cannon one.
It's absurd, Tolkien's world is Tolkien's world. Just like Hunter X Hunter is the property of Togashi Yoshihiro, sure, the nature of that does mean we are probably never going to see it finished but people accept that and I don't think anybody would want somebody else coming in and taking it from him. Yet that's just the norm for comics.

It even occurs in this smaller indie comic in this video, there are numerous versions made and he says they follow different stories and are not connected to each other with numerous different artists having worked on different editions and even the original creators don't seem to care about sticking to one cannon story and world.

This all seems to cause multiple problems. Firstly, the west doesn't care about anybodies property and is more than happy to do what they want with it such as what happened to the LOTR Amazon series and games.
But secondly, because of the way the industry is set up there doesn't seem to be much room for new material, everything revolves around established brands and there isn't the same mechanism for authors to create their own stories.
However because of the way it works in Japan we get a huge amount of different stories by people with their own ideas who can be given a place to published it and be given the freedom to own the world they create. This follows through to the anime industry as of course most anime is just animated manga. The West could never create an animation industry to compete because it lacks the industry to create the source material to begin with.


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For what it's worth, most of the money in American comics has traditionally been in comic strips, published in newspapers and magazines and then compiled into books later. The heavily episodic format encourages simpler, more accessible stories, and it's low-risk enough from a publisher's perspective that they're much more willing to try something new.


Or kuso 1 panel political/current event cartoons that still havent died off yet


I include those among comic strips, because they are/were usually printed along-side them.

It's worth noting that webcomics are an extension of traditional print comic strips, so a lot of the latter's cliches are kept undead thanks to the internet and social media.


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Is that true? It seems that there would not be much money in those strips. I looked Garfield up on Wikipedia and it did not say much about profits, just that it sold from $750 Million to $1 Billion in Merchandise in 2004. Which is a lot but it also says it's the most syndicated comic strip ever, others probably are not as successful.

But also it says
>While retaining creative control and being the only signer, Davis now only writes and usually does the rough sketches. Since the late 1990s most of the work has been done by long-time assistants Brett Koth and Gary Barker. Inking and coloring work is done by other artists, while Davis spends most of the time supervising production and merchandising the characters

So it's still different than the standard comic book industry as he is still the one managing it even after 44 years.





I've mentioned it before, but it's really weird to think of there being live stormchasing on youtube. There's a tornado outbreak in the Southeast US and you can see people covering it live. I didn't do any research so I don't know what channel is good, but here's an example. Normally you need to actually live around such storms to see this kind of thing live on local stations, so people outside of it might find it interesting.


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The cat does not oppose the human, for they know their wishes mean nothing to them. But to one of their own kind, they forcefully rebuke. To an animal, might makes right.



DUCK SONG FOUR JUST CAME OUT TWO HOURS AGO! This is a historic moment!



Five guys is more affordable than McDonalds if you have 5 guys!


If you have seventy and five guys, you can build a dragon ship and pillage coastal villages. That's even more affordable.


Got recommended something good for once.


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he didn't take the mcdonalds app into account
I frequently bring home 2 mcdoubles (buy 1 get 1 for 1, so roughly 4.50), a 20piece nugget+2 fries (6bucks), and 2 drinks (3 bucks) for my brother and I for roughly 15 bucks post tax...


*pokes you in the tum*




miku fans a bunch of animals


great one


I think a fair amount of people have seen this recommended or linked to them by others, but it hasn't been linked here! I watched all of it over a few days and it was pretty good. It's nice to see him doing voiced videos again because from what I understand he was overwhelmed by the success/viralness of the A Press video and kind of went away for a while. The fact that he did video with his voice while knowing it will receive a lot of attention means he conquered that anxiety. His idea of monetization with the part at 3:37:40 (https://youtu.be/YsXCVsDFiXA?t=13063) is also quite interesting.
TJ "Henry" Yoshi is even in there in the comments with a donation ($50, pretty good) that made me smile.

I also watched this video of his which was more like a programming course and I now know what 'floats' are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYDmBdUalgo

Cool stuff.


Gunbuster's so good


Reminded me of this documentary about the New York Times' last printing with linotype machines.


This is 'live' stuff, but I thought I'd link this storm chasing thing. There's potential for a major tornado outbreak in the next few hours. I don't know which live channel is best, so here's the one that has the most viewers. People that far away from this tornado weather might find watching this stuff live interesting.


It's no fun without hearing the sirens in the background and really feeling the tension as mother nature's equivalent of Russian roulette slowly descends from the sky right outside.


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It warms my heart to see this stuff. Normally this superchat stuff is associated with youtube celebrities and stuff, but they're raising money to help the victims since it's an official 501k charity thing. And it just keeps flooding in. From the time I took this picture a couple minutes ago it's risen to $22k. Awwww....
(they should find a way to bypass google's cut, though)


Geez, was looking at this on the weather channel this morning and it was a pretty devastating storm. Apparently even turned deadly which is awful. Yeah I don't know how I'd deal with living out in tornado valley, I'd always be worried about losing everything in the span of a bad storm.


Oh dear god, almost two hours of Tetris world record history. Yep, this will help me sleep (in a good way)


Cave Johnson saves the world.


are storms cool?


Yep, that's Montreal


nice comedy


real life creepypasta stuff


This thing is really cool. There's one near me for a reasonable price, but I'm broke. Would absolutely snatch one up if I could.


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