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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:4-44a7af62414cab60373bdc8f….png (524.05 KB,1222x1340)


Did you get anything for Christmas?
I didn't! Because I'm an adult now!


i didn't give or get anything
my family also didn't set up any decorations


File:[Moozzi2] Utawarerumono It….jpg (234.5 KB,1920x1080)

Nice side pout!
Well, someone on kissu bought the Utawarerumono BDs and uploaded the fan disk mini VN so yes I did get something!


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Christmas is a transactional Holiday where if you're receiving gifts you'll still be in the red overall. If not, you're not an adult yet. I got a steam deck (that I had planned ahead of time since everyone needs at least one gift) but also gave a whole bunch of gift cards and console accessories and wine such that it well covered that which I received.


At least, that's how it works in my family.


I got;
-nice hard cover book
-12 days of hot sauce
-$100 bill
-$20 bill
-5 pounds of cooked steak
-a new coat
-new boots
-a novelty lighter shaped like a M1 garand clip
-two rounds of .50BMG ammunition


That's basically free food right there.


File:om nom nom.png (249.07 KB,962x510)

You can't eat a crossbow, silly.

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