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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:[joseole99][QTS][polished]….jpg (170.08 KB,1280x720)


I think we should stream some stuff around Christmas time. Do you have any suggestions? We could just add a whole bunch like someone did with Halloween and let it sit there playing all day, or maybe even for days. It could be Christmas-themed stuff, or just anything maybe.


Christmas episode stream would be fun! If that were to happen I would put the Keroro Christmas episode in there!


We could do Gabriel dropout,Azumanga Daioh,K-on!.


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Saw the deleted post


NO! Ahem... Hmm, maybe we could do a bunch of stuff. What if we have an /xmas/ week? Nice sleepy days of warm, feel-good stuff? There is a certain BD of an anime I've been wanting to show off since it's truly beautiful in motion and I don't know how many people have seen it in BD form since it's a recent one.


Hmmm, would it look as good when streamed?


File:Akebi's Sailor Uniform - S….mp4 (3.38 MB,1280x720)

Well, I could make it as higher quality than the usual seasonal stream stuff maybe, but I doubt I'd be doing 1080p since people are supposed to have a chat window open and most people aren't on 4k monitors and whatnot. These episodes are 2.4gb each so I definitely need to do some optimization stuff, although I'm not expert at it and just mess with the 'quality' sliders in Handbrake like I do when I occasionally host stream stuff


Worth trialing beforehand


File:[KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pr….png (821.93 KB,1024x576)

put this episode of PRAD


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (235.59 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm, what do you mean by trialing it? To see if people think the quality is still there in stream form? I don't think it would be any different from what I posted here >>647


File:[SubsPlease] Spy x Family ….jpg (229.67 KB,1920x1080)

Alright, uhhh.... yeah... ummm...
I've been kind of procrastinating about this, but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
let's see, Christmas is next Monday which means this upcoming weekend is Christmas weekend.... Hmmm.....


it's christmas eve anon is something going to happen?


File:[SubsPlus ] Helck - S01E24….jpg (178.94 KB,1920x1080)

Errr.. uhh... hmmm....
I think finding a bunch of Christmas episodes without knowing the episode number is a bit much so that's probably a no-go (and we did it last year), but I could throw something up with 12 episodes or something maybe..


or if there's an OVA Or two people want to watch? Would we do it today or tomorrow? Ehhhhhhhh
I think this would have been a good time to do that Twitch thing again, but procrastination kind of prevented that (and I don't know how to do that personally)


Zom 100's last three episodes just came out, so that's an option.


that's so unusual, why did it happen like this again?


New studio overworked themselves to death while messing up their schedule, so they ended up delaying the last part and decided to finally release it on Christmas because of the festivity I guess.


>New studio overworked themselves to death
wonder how much they appreciated the irony of those episodes with Akira wageslaving in the black corp.


my japanese co-w_rker is always up at midnight responding to messages on sl_ck


well, so am I


They did, Akira's company (ZLM) is a parody of OLM, which iirc the guys working on it are formerly from.


the unsl_cking sl_cker


A_c C_mb_t 5: T_e Uns_ng W_r




i saw this on the feed and thought it was illegal content...


gonna stream ace combat


literally me too

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