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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:waterfox_vNGCpz15Pz.jpg (463.9 KB,1887x1077)


To match the old UI's /xmas/-specific board theme the new UI now has a selectable Christmas theme! Please try it out and give me any feedback you have.
The quick reply background and RSS background is brought to you by stable diffusion's AI thingie, a helpful tool to the creation process!


File:Capture.PNG.png (118.09 KB,213x662)

The title font is too big to fit in the catalog boxes and overlaps/is cut off. Is the hat thing on the side supposed to scroll with the page? Because it just jumps from the bottom of the Nav section to the bottom when you scroll down. Also they do this when the thread is small.


File:[AnonimOT] Star☆Twinkle Pr….jpg (225.79 KB,1280x720)

>The title font is too big to fit in the catalog boxes and overlaps/is cut off.

The board title? Can you take a screenshot of what you mean?

>Is the hat thing on the side supposed to scroll with the page?
Not exactly. It's supposed to stay at the bottom left, but I can't figure out how to make it do that due to how the new UI does whatever it is that's over there. I ran into it with the Lala theme, too, but it's much less noticeable. I just really wanted to use what someone made since I've never had anyone give me something to use before.
Hmmm, maybe I'll just have to put that hat somewhere else. But where....


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Thread titles are hueg.

I think it's drawing the sidebar image twice and the second instance isn't following the same rules for aligning to the main page, if that makes any sense. So now the hat starts at the top by the theme, but then it moves down the very bottom, where it can't be seen until you're at the very bottom, while the second one is sitting on top of that and stays there all the time, even when you go below where the sidebar is supposed to stop at the footer. If you remove that second one, it should fix the bug.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (387.88 KB,1920x1080)

Oh, huh. Weird. Thanks.
I didn't think it'd matter there, but I guess it does. I hate that there's so many amazing fonts, but they all look awful and unreadable in imageboard size.

I think I'll just try to fit the hat somewhere else. Too much work for something that will lose all value in a couple weeks


I'll be tuning it and publish the update in 24 hours from now


The background image is pretty bad, probably have the AI generate that too (a better one) if possible.


Hmmm... AI is pretty bad at larger images and smaller repeating stuff repeating a lot can look kinda repetitive. I'll think about it


I also have hope that more artists will draw christmas Kuon as christmas draws near...


kuon riding a corndog


>I think I'll just try to fit the hat somewhere else.
How about on top of OP images?


I don't know programming, I just assemble CSS from what I've read and what I see in the CSS text file and I really don't see a way to layer an image on top of another one in an effective way like that. I could ask vern to look into it, but it just doesn't seem that interesting to me either since 4chan has been doing it for over a decade with its birthday hats. I think it bothers people to see part of an image blocked, too. But, now I remember that Hazuki theme has a Hazuki in the upper right panel so that's a place I can put it.

Now to try and find a better background


File:66bb517469e91ad76687711489….jpg (729.18 KB,1334x1000)

You can do it with some hacks.
Here's a snippet I wrote that works for vichan+vichan&4chanx and new kissu UI. Not perfect by any means and have no opinion on the matter, just to show one way to do it with pure CSS using the divs that are already there.

div.thread > div.files div.file::before, section.post.op div.post-contents figure.finfo div.file-contents div.media-container::before {
display: inline-block;
--scale: 2; /* between 1.0 and 2.0 recommended */
width: calc(var(--scale) * 50px);
height: calc(var(--scale) * 45px);
background: url("https://files.catbox.moe/nxrq8f.png");
margin-left: -20px;
margin-top: -50px;
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
image-rendering: pixelated;
position: absolute;
content: '';
pointer-events: none;

::before and ::after, Pretty neat functions! Unfortunately cannot be applied directly to an <img>.


we have code blocks btw...


Now running an updated version which fixes some issues and eye strain


Interesting. Thanks, I'll save that and keep it in mind in the future


Do you have any suggestions? Gradient patterns or snowflakes or what? I'm kind of drawing a blank


File:dba112d4f1.png (943.96 KB,1082x714)

The theme is surprisingly good now


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (170.66 KB,1920x1080)



how did you trigger this?

There are still some things that are sort of strange. The QR post queuing and post selection. Otherwise fine.


>gradient patterns
Oh, no, sorry, I was talking about the Kuon, not the background. The mascot, forgot the word then/there.


File:103485855_p0.jpg (564.69 KB,768x1024)

How dare you besmirch a Kuon drawn from the heart and not a soulless automaton!
Well, it's not included so people could have their own mascots if they choose. I already force Kuon enough as it is (maybe)

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