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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:Kissu - 8dbe1f86d9eb4e952….jpg (329.54 KB,2048x1152)


Merry Kissumas !

I'm going to post a bunch of cards in this thread.
The library I created for these allows for me to mass produce them so if you want a custom one of your own give me an image, particles and a song and I'll try to make one quickly.

You can also repurpose the ones in the thread by looking at the homepage https://kissu-cards.art
Anything else you're thinking can be posted here as well.


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Thanks kissumin.


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These last 3 are forced to always give the same names:
To Cool-Guy, founding admin who's ideas are the basis of Kissu's culture. I might be boss, but he's the pillar of the community.


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To Berun, mod volunteer and preserver of Kissu. No other individual wants the site to succeed, perhaps more than myself. He's always looking at how the community can keep posting and be interested in content.


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And finally To everyone who donates or has donated to me.
These people give me reason to keep working on Kissu's software and allowing other's to use this site to discuss and promote their projects. Kissu's primary server expires this year and for the entire 2021 we've been scraping by on disk space. The many programs running on the two servers sometimes sees the site run out of resources. I've had to put a bit of effort into making sure these issues aren't exploitable. I want to use these donations to fix this problem and see the site into the future.

Arguably this thread is better suited to new years, but I made the cards so why not now. New Years theme doesn't really offer a moment to appreciate others.


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>The library I created for these allows for me to mass produce them
This is kind of like YTMND. You're the Kissu Now Dog? Hey, wouldn't that be cool...? Man, these are so nice.

>Anything else you're thinking can be posted here as well.

I have a request!
-Use the attached image to this post as a background
-This as the 'snowflake' graphic: https://luna.kissu.moe/test/src/1640159213233.png
-And this for music: https://files.catbox.moe/8ngrda.mp3
I was trying to think of some Christmas music but I can't remember any, so some nice Disgaea good ending credits music sounds nice.

Geez. Thanks a lot and I appreciate it, though it's not really not necessary. We're all in this together, all users (and lurkers?) together




classic spam


Very, very classic...


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These are pretty nice. Glad that all the time spent trying to work with openGL worked out in time.

I'm extremely weird with accepting thanks for things or gifts but I'm glad I've been able to be helpful all this time. I hope I'm able to keep helping out for many more years to come.


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Also not sure if you've already found it or not, but here's a really nice Christmas verniy from one of the people I follow on pixiv. Merry Christmas Vermin

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