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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:kyoukoxmaskaraoke.gif (898.56 KB,500x281)


How are you enjoying yourself this Christmas season?


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Not enjoying myself at all, but it's fine. I'm just saving up all my fun energy until it eventually comes back to me, somehow.


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Real life is truly awful, but kissu and escapism is still great!


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I know it already, reality will crash on me after new year and despair will engulf me once again.
But until then I will enjoy my lifetime, even if it kills me.
Oh god I hope it kills me.


File:Hidamari Sketch x SP - Ep0….jpg (583.89 KB,1280x720)

Ate Chinese dumplings. Merry christmas!


Started playing the guitar 3 months ago and can now play some simple Christmas songs


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I am not enjoying myself in the slightest. I had wanted to get myself a Christmas present, but that now seems an impossibility. Now, instead of having something to show for, I have a pile of useless pieces. I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle that will not come.


got some presents for family members
my best present is a construction worker vest with my brother's name on it
it's fluoro pink and he wanted a fluoro pink one


That kyouko gif is helping


File:[FFF] Hidamari Sketch Sae ….png (1.35 MB,1920x1080)

What a sad thread


Life is sad.


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Here's to a better Christmas next year.

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