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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:EoZ7ktxU0AAL9_b.jpg (416.93 KB,2048x1150)


Don't forget to enjoyee your christmas


I think I saw this artist before, same nuns and a duck, too. Must be part of a series?


File:EoALoIRVcAMPITh.jpg (341.87 KB,2048x1150)

More like a lot of disconnected series of images with the same characters


post the duck one!


File:1607102973061.jpg (367.19 KB,2048x1150)


File:EmtLwrMUwAA_M5L.jpg (401.01 KB,1412x1080)

these are too cute


Defiance of natural order


Everytime one of these nun images are posted, a duck is being brutally murdered.


Nice, it'll make a good dinner.


I actively refuse to eat duck because they're too cute but man duck tastes so good. as much as I don't mind about rabbit because it's bland not eating duck kinda piss me off. can't back down now though, it would make the whole ordeal meaningless


File:EofFLXRUwAITc1--orig.jpg (391.02 KB,2048x1152)



I just don't care for the greasyness of duck


Never ate duck how does it taste like?


quite round and mature

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