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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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This board will be locked for another year starting tomorrow!




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wow i had forgotten how lewd /xmas/ was


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It's holiday spirit, Charlie Brown


Locking it again. See you in 2021!


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The board is unlocked again if you haven't noticed!


Seems like an odd day to unlock it.


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Board will probably be locked and unlisted again tomorrow or sometime very soon. Speak now or forever hold your peace


Posting so I can say I posted on /xmas/!


oh, I mean until next year that is


forever hold my pisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


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See you next year!


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It's closing again very soon. I hope you had a good /xmas/! See you next time.


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Merry Christmas!


Board locked!


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Once more, it opens




funny image


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The scarlet devil mansion is getting ready for christmas!


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See you next year! (technically later this year since we forgot to close /xmas/ earlier)

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