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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:72279947_p0.png (530.11 KB,580x819)


Replace the number after p= to change to the numbered page and post something! (it goes back to at least 1000) I guess you could add a second term, too, if you want something more specific
So what are you doing for Christmas? I'm posting on kissu and eating rice


File:72449888_p0.jpg (4.46 MB,2508x3541)

eating sweets and doing nothing


File:78494686_p1.jpg (412.98 KB,900x429)

mostly same as >>135


File:66423931_p0.jpg (1.13 MB,1748x1731)

hopefully gonna play some xmas oj!


File:christmas foxes.jpg (198.45 KB,1062x1500)

Playing OJ, eating din din, listening to Report of the Week food reviews.


File:78453268_p0.jpg (5.8 MB,2000x2000)

trying to learn how to rice the Debian
there's so much to learn....
not sure what this has to do with Christmas, but I like it

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