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Are you watching the Winter Olympics at all? I've tried again to make myself interested in them, but I just can't do it.
I like it when things are objective, like "this guy jumped the highest so he wins", but all this dancing in circles that then gets judged makes no sense to me.


I've thought about watching it, but the people in my household aren't interested in watching it on TV and I'm not sure if it's online other than clips. I've not really heard anyone talk about watching it other than asking if I'm watching it, and then the answer ends up being that neither of us are actually watching... I kind feel like this year's Olympics is going to go less noticed than even the Tokyo Olympics which were delayed.


No, I don't watch the Olympics in general that much just when my mum is watching it and I am in the room. I think Covid has ruined them to a degree anyway, it feels like the results are more a mater of which teams have had their training and travel schedules hit by Covid restrictions the most rather than which team is actually the best.


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Watching sports is so dull it makes me feel like my brain is going to melt and seep out of my nose and ears.


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I didn't even know they were going on until I saw this thread and I don't think I care at all to watch them. They're in China this time, right?


Not really I've never had any interest in Olympics. I rarely watch sports these days but when I do it's either soccer, motorsports, or boxing/ufc


Yeah, China, and the entirety of the snow is artificial because they decided to have it somewhere without snow for whatever reason. Previous games had some supplementary fake snow, but the bulk was real so this was the first experiment.
All the resources used to create or transport it is bad obviously, but the bigger news story is that there's been more crashes and falls than usual because people aren't used to it. Apparently this was all known ahead of time.


Apparently 5 female skiiers were also disqualified for over what they were wearing. I'm no sports buff, but the ruling seems pretty spurious.



as if anyone couldn't tell these olympics weren't going to be a trainwreck


It makes sense to me. They are practically wearing wing suits between their legs, it's likely that it would give them an advantage in long distance jumping.


except none of the other competitors cared other than the judges


Their competitors are stupid, they are ski jumpers not aerospace engineers.

Plus it's hard to tell how much they actually care or not really. After all, they don't want to look like hateful people or bad sports.


Olympic sports, for such a huge event, seem rather niche as spectator events. Like mentioned here, skiing. You would have to be a skiier yourself to even care, olympic sports have very limited appeal it seems.
It only seems to be a large event worldwide out of tradition it seems.


Isn't that basically the point of the Olympics? It basically just collects together all those miscellaneous sports that would go unnoticed by the vast majority of people if they each had individual tournaments into a single big event.



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The winter Olympics has a lot of events that involve technology that really blurs the line between human competition and scientific advancement I think. Ignoring the stuff like nutrition and training, there are specialized suits, vehicles and even guns.
The summer Olympics are creeping into it, too, with swimming suits, shoes, and that adhesive tape on some of them.
At least the helmets are funny


All the fake outrage from norms because it's happening in China is amusing but no, nobody cares about the Winter Olympics beyond that.
It'd be cool if someone did a performance similar to the Sailor Moon one in 2014 too.


I can smell you through the screen


Why shower when I never leave the house.


I wonder how much of it is because the 2020 Olympics happened a few months ago. People generally prefer the summer stuff and without a big space between them there isn't enough time for the novelty to refresh.


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Olympics are going about as well as expected. Ski jump is in the middle of an industrial hellscape, next to some nuclear power plant cooling towers


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And athletes are being fed whatever this is, while many others seem to be getting arbitrarily quarantined or otherwise arbitrarily disqualified from events.



me in the top right




The USA is beating all of the ones who don't


Even though its just an industrial park in China... there's something about the greens in asia.




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Yeah, they should've done like that other country with zero ski industry that built a massive alpine resort installation for the singular purpose of hosting the Winter Olympics.


Everything is dystopian on the internet these days


Because everything is dystopian, we live in a cyberpunk dystopia now. But >>1122 isn't really that Dystopian I guess.


If you're allowed to call it a dystopia it's not a dystopia.


Says who?


That's stupid. After a nuclear war without anyone to enforce laws, that's not a dystopia?


The real dystopia is this hyperreal poststructural modernity where we get bombarded with constant propaganda and made-up news, and this happens everywhere.

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