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>The optimal world population has been estimated by a team co-authored by Paul R. Ehrlich.
>Based on this, the estimation of optimum population in the 1994 study was to around 1.5 billion to 2 billion people.
>A 2014 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America concluded that, with a fertility-reduction model of one-child per female by 2100, it would take at least 140 years to reduce the population to 2 billion people by 2153.

What do you think the most effective way to artificially kill billions of people (5 billion at max) would be? Keeping in mind that if you were to kill billions of people at once, the world probably would not have enough graves for them.
One way to do it could be deploying billions of nanobots and accomplishing this over years or so but that sounds very much in the realm of sci-fi, right now at least. Artificially created virus might also be a good choice, considering the current situation.
Additionally, a random massacre of the human race would be a bad idea since ideally you would want the human race to flourish after the purge, to that regard, what metric do you think would best determine the "worth" of a human being?


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A virus that kills 5 billion people staring from the eldest would be best, we have too many and they don't contribute anything to the economy. Though having said that the economy would be ruined if the population were to be reduced to such a degree anyway, our economic system relies on large and growing populations. An enforced global famine might work as well or maybe we should even destroy society entirely and start over again.

But I have have mixed views on this subject, on one hand it would be good for the planet and for nature but on the other hand it would not be at all good for my portfolio.



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by vaccine, and bill gates is doing it

>our economic system relies on large and growing populations
just kill off all bankers and reset all debts, problem solved


This quote is misleading:
>A 2014 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America concluded that, with a fertility-reduction model of one-child per female by 2100, it would take at least 140 years to reduce the population to 2 billion people by 2153.
It's given further context by the quote from abstract of the paper being cited:
>Even one-child policies imposed worldwide and catastrophic mortality events would still likely result in 5–10 billion people by 2100

Also, the title of the paper is literally, "Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems", so it sort of refutes the notion of the question in the first place...


That would not help, bankers and debt are important parts of our economic system.


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posting in a /win/ thread


economic system existed long before usury


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Yes but not our current model which is the point.


Turn every major nation into a model of S. Korea


You're weird


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If all you want to do is just kill people then nuclear war is what you want.
I think the idea that we need a purge because Earth is near it's human carrying capacity is woefully misguided and the product of a mind that can only comprehend the past. Humans and life in general have a remarkable ability to find solutions to the problem of survival. The more individuals you have attempting to solve that problem the more chances and ability the collective has at finding a solution.


It's not like we're actually going to do it...
Just a thought experiment on culling the human population.


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Why are Hebrews like this?


Not so much about the earth reaching its capacity but more so about decrease in the collective intelligence of the population due to the sheer number of humans. Which is why I purposed selective culling in the post.


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Somehow a thread about who to genocide and how to do it has not turned out well. Closing the thread.

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