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Must be so exhausting and hot to do all that dancing in those. I think this is some augmented reality could solve, but it'll be a while before that's able to do this





>it'll be a while before that's able to do this
I'm not so sure about that. There's already holographic Hatsune Miku concerts, and VR stuff has basically created decently affordable real-time mocap devices. All it'd take is for someone to mash the two together and you could conceivably have really cool anime avatar concerts that react in realtime instead of doing pre-rendered stuff like the Miku concerts are.


Going to piss off purists by posting this, but vtubers essentially are already doing this, aside from the holograms in a live venue part.



Yeah, I know Miku holograms have been a thing for a decade now. AR would be a bit more interactive, though, by virtue of having a physical presence that it's layered upon. In theory performers could be themselves and just have fantastical clothing placed on themselves, too. I've also thought this is the way to do sex dolls, but I think those are still too expensive for any real innovation.
But, these need to be really good because even if it hiccups for only a split second it will show the person underneath and destroy the atmosphere.

>but vtubers


going to piss on a vtuber


Nice that video's back. Was worried it was gone once Siva disappeared...


They're still around making MMD videos, but I feel like their views are a lot less than what they were before their channel got banned or deleted.


Oh yeah I knew about that backup channel, but it was lacking that vid you posted. Didn't know they had two.


perfectly fine with joing to this thumb

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