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Thirty minutes on the phone with a man.
He mistakes me for a woman, despite having told him my name.
I make an effort to make my voice sound lower.
I'm treated none different.
Lower still.
The misunderstanding continues.
"Have a nice day, miss."

My voice is not feminine. I know this. It must be about my spirit. People perceive me and think "woman".

Dread the feelings it ensues.


He's pushing you to crossdress. Next time he'll tell you to order that kigu.


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Terrifying. Trying to keep these thoughts away.
Does everyone know something about me I don't?
Am I being pushed a label? Forced conformism?

"You want your skin to not be dry? Are you one of those effeminates?"
The fake surprise, the obvious jump at as best an opportunity they can find, is what stings the most.

Do I have desirable looks? Is my life then a series of encounters with people too shy to say it?
Do I have widespread appeal? I could have my pick of the crop and no-one told me?
No-one to talk to.
"Go to a psychiatrist" in real life.
Coaxing me to ERP before I even have a chance to speak my worries. Perceived "woman".
Relish and regret, whatever choice I make.
At least online I can pretend nothing happens. A pressure valve.

Would accepting it be liberating? Is there freedom in being pushed into a role?
My life is in stasis. Pride dies alone.


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Thirty minutes on the phone with Tamaki.
She mistakes me for a cat, despite having told her my species.
I make an effort to make my voice sound human.
I'm treated none different.
Expanded vocabulary still.
The misunderstanding continues.
"Have a nice day, nyaa~."

My voice is not feline. I know this. It must be about my spirit. People perceive me and think "neko mimi modo".

Dread the feelings it ensues.



Thank you.


Sorry, I can't really comment on this kind of thing as it's far outside my purview. That guy sounds like someone you should completely avoid, though.


Very good pasta if fake. Hot if true.

The person you were on the phone with probably has hearing problems.


Don't apologize. It's a great post. I laughed.


Is this a Max Payne reference?


I've been wanting to reply to this thread for a long while. Are you okay, Anonymous?




When I pick up the home phone they often confuse me with my mum, but that's because it's her house and phone I guess, so they ring expecting to talk to her and just think that I am her.


you will never talk with the female-voiced anonymous, stop trying to beg him


I just wanted to make sure they were okay...


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I mumble a lot and I have a lisp and it makes me sound like I am reteaderd.


I have a name that sounds very similar to a girl name and people mishear it for that all the time and then call me the girl name no matter what I do. It used to bother me a lot but I don't really care anymore. It's not actually my name.

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