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making a thread here to talk about possible puzzle games as inspiration for anon's space game


Pizza Pass, Mudball Wall, Titanic Tattooed Toads

Magic Mirrors, Beetle Bug Alley, Chez Norf, Boolie Boggle

Catapult, Hieroglyph Wall, ... (I didn't really play this game much, so it's up to you if you want to look further)

These particular minigames I listed don't care about what your Zoombinis look like).



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQXS4IrMCCw teaches kids about basic physics (sound/light/electricity). The light game has you position convex/concave mirrors/lenses to direct colored lasers to feed colored eggs


i remember this game...


File:[SubsPlease] Akebi-chan no….jpg (164.63 KB,1280x720)

Interesting. Puzzle games seem like they'd be annoying to program since you need to make new rules


Portal-style puzzle games where you have to get from point A to B by following a sequence of steps

https://www.coolmathgames.com/0-bloxorz the classic game which you played in the computer lab on miniclip.com with your doukyuusei if you weren't dasai!





Thanks for the list anonymous, I'll see what I can do with these puzzles.
One thing that's come to mind is a light puzzle for focusing light from outside the ship towards a power generator.
Also want to make a puzzle for some kind of oxygen generator, for that I'll have to first know how oxygen can be generated, then think of something with that..


You have a map of the ship, with rooms and doors. The game is simply a lot of fetch quests. Get the wrench from the repair room and use it to open the fridge in the kitchen. Get the spare battery from the living room and go to the generator room to install it. You'll be doing these quests simultaneously, so you can do things like go to the generator room to install a battery, find the blueprint lying in the corner, and write down the rogue AI emergency shutdown code (all at once with one visit to the generator room).

So the goal is to go from room to room doing this, and get everything done, traveling between rooms as little as possible to get things done as quickly as possible. That would be where the time limit comes into play, although you could maybe turn it into a high score, and it could be a number of rooms traveled to (probably easier to just implement a time limit, and you could have some doors open more slowly than others.)

Maybe you can add something about ventilation, being only able to ventilate 5 rooms at a time and there being a challenge to switch the rooms being ventilated, as infrequently as possible.

This could be a copy of Diner Dash? If you can't make the above idea work.

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