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File:[SubsPlease] Okitsura - 07….jpg (260.05 KB,1920x1080)


When you think about it, "streamer" being a sustainable career is such a weird thing that was unimaginable years ago. I'm always surprised to see what people can do, and get repeat viewers for doing so. There are people that play the same single player game from decades ago every day and hundreds or thousands of people watch and donate to them. Obviously people know the big streamers doing variety stuff (or showing breasts) but it's very fascinating that you can do such an extreme niche.
I'm not even talking about people with lots of charisma or anything, they just do something every day and it's enough to get an audience. Seems as monotonous as being a miner or something, but it's certainly a lot safer.


i want to take the easy way out like this instead of a potential corporate slave for 40 years


Most of it is luck and connections. Mostly connections.


File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 06 ….jpg (229.92 KB,1920x1080)

It seems like even more people do it as supplementary income since it's pretty rare to make enough money to live off it entirely. Instead of doing oddjobs around town on the weekend or something some people can do streaming. It's an interesting development as some jobs get eliminated and entertainment becomes more important.

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