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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:20250216_175142.mp4 (19.16 MB,1920x1080)




I want more snow. We keep getting a little bit but then it melts hours later


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We had a lot of snow in january.


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I had no snow...


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Very rare for temps to be this low. Google says -3f is -19c. I hope the tulips that are starting to emerge can handle it


Yeah, I'm really just done with it.
The other day it was in the 20's but I saw some kids riding on pocket bikes; crazy.


We grow tulips in canada.. they're fine...


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No sidewalks around where I live. all covered in snow. Trains also parked around


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File:20250217_210030.mp4 (24.06 MB,1920x1080)


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