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File:R-1737941687783.png (6.22 KB,380x380)


this is how I force myself to fart


fix your posture


That sure is a strange way to sit on the toilet


I (silently) farted at my desk at work the other day right as my boss happened to walk over to ask about something and I could tell that she smelled it.


my condolences on having a female boss


my condolences on having a boss


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (301.01 KB,1920x1080)

Why are you forcing it? I'm confused


Damn, hope it's not open office...


I hope it's libre office...


I fart and the warning light on the hepa changes colors.


on topic sager


I just want a woman to tongue my anus while I'm positioned like that. Farting on her tongue and having her breathe me in. That would a lovely day in the office.

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