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Should I piss on my PC. Hm.


depends. what are you trying to attract?


Mai waifu.


You want your waifu to come out of your PC, so you need to pee in a circle around it.


All waifuists should urinate on the computer while it is running and electrocute themselves, they would be better of dead lest they taint the work further.


That's not a bad idea, the shock may get me closer to her.


VERY rude


My waifu isn't real


Not as rude as butchering the works of other people like wafuists do.


How so? If anything it's the opposite


The Opposite! The Opposite! The absurdity of this. Having characters act completely different to their cannon behaviour and marry and do lewd things with disgusting people or even just hang around with disgusting people at all is butchering the character and completely rude.


If the waifufag makes her act out of characters he's a bad one. I know my wife would like me anyway. Her creator even approved my feelings for her.
Secondary fanartists are the worse bunch


Just by being your wife they act out of character. What creator would accept that?


I don't think her being my wife is too farfetched. She canonically has bad taste. I guess I'm the exception.


Cannologically having bad taste is separate from being interested in you, most likely even then you are below that, and if she has bad taste doesn't that imply she already has a partner, not you? So you are then also creating the fictional narrative that she is a cheater.


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (257.48 KB,1920x1080)

It's an article about male goats peeing on themselves...
How did this turn into a thread about a guy attacking another guy for fantasizing?


You are assuming far too many things. We all know she doesn't exist anyway. This discussion is moot.
If that doesn't convince you there's also the OOP miku argument. We don't fall in love with people themselves, we do with our perception of them. It's impossible to know what the creator really intended when we only see a small facet of her.


the waifu menace runs deep


But why is it something you need to defeat? Why not "live and let live" and take it easy?


ACK was bound to find this place someday


I assume less than you do though, you are assuming that her taste equates to he being interested in you and a myriad of other things that would have her marry you. I assume nothing but only go by what the character was written as being.

OOP Miku? The theory that all Miku are unique and a separate program or something? It makes more sense given that she is a program but I don't like it still.

>We don't fall in love with people themselves, we do with our perception of them.

Falling in love with a character is fine, it's saying she is your wife and changing that character itself that is the issue.

>It's impossible to know what the creator really intended when we only see a small facet of her.

Exactly, so all one can go by is the facet that is actually shown and not make garbage up, or else you start having the character be something completely different which is more likely to go against the creator than just accepting the character for what it is.

If people kept it to themselves then fine, I don't care. But when people bring it up and talk about it and mention how it's their anniversary with x character and how they are going on a date and then putting a bunch of their own opinions out as her thoughts and actions that it is an issue. If you keep it to yourself and never mention the fact that you are butchering characters then fine. But they don't.

ACK? You must be thinking of somebody else.


This thread...

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