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File:[HorribleSubs] Enen no Sho….jpg (151.37 KB,1280x720)


California is on fire again. Are there any interesting websites to watch the developments?


File:altadena-Artboard_3.jpg (587.86 KB,1200x1514)

I've just been occasionally following the New York Times article since it's non-paywalled and has a bunch of maps showing the active fire areas, evacuation zones, windy direction (pushing the fires further towards LA, still mostly on the mountains), and smoke dispersal.



File:Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 2….png (1.3 MB,993x728)

You can also kind of check with NASA's LANCE fire tracker. It's satellite-based, though so I'm not sure if it's totally accurate. The 24-hour compared to the week-view view looks like the fires have died down but I don't know if that's because the fires are obscured by smoke clouds now?



File:waterfox_XHhO1ULWC4.png (1.62 MB,1089x662)

Yeah, it still looks identical right now.


File:Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 2….png (1.74 MB,1315x780)

Hmmm. I think it's mostly contained now. It's calmed down on the 24-hour view. The 7-day shows all fires, even fires that have gone out I think


Oh. I guess I was doing it wrong. Oops.


My favorite youtuber is on the case!


File:monkey see monkey repeat.png (457.38 KB,1280x720)

>he's reading out the AI bot spam from a google search as if it's a reliable source of information
I'm not saying that particular AI response is wrong, but AI responses from google searches are frequently wrong.


I hope the Rockies will contain the smoke; some of those prior fires really stank when the winds carried them over to the Midwest days later.


Why's California having these fires in the middle of winter anyway? At least where I live, wildfires are only a summer thing.


Because "they" have been burning things to the ground left and right all over NA for the last several years in preparation for the coming domestic civil conflict that will topple the USA world police state and usher in the new UN world police state.




Schizophrenic breakdown
Just like back in cape town


Terence McKenna worked for the CIA though.




Yeah right. You get busted for trafficking drugs internationally then somehow get back into the US and serve no prison time. Then you get a "career" talking out of your ass at universities all over the world and openly admit to it on stage ("the less said about that the better"). Ironically, he referred to them as "they" when he brought them up.

Don't forget the decades spent promoting trans-humanism and the singularity.

I'm not going to go through it now but the entire "counter-culture" of the 1960s in America was a creation of the intelligence community. They supplied the drugs, they supplied the music and they propped up a bunch of gurus and prophets. This isn't even obscure knowledge. Most all of them openly admit to being on IC payroll. The CIA even toured the entire country in a bus giving "acid tests" and bought out a recording studio to make albums for bands like the Grateful Dead.

You are not enlightened because you ate a mushroom and listened to a stinky hippy.


File:[HorribleSubs] Enen no Sho….jpg (134.83 KB,1280x720)

The last I heard arson is suspected. You don't need a grand conspiracy theory to explain it something so simple. You need a dry environment, wind and something that starts it.


In those days you could just do stuff; like drunk drive.
war on drugs is a bit later into it all.

I'm aware of the counterculture; anything that has a chance of being authentic does get redirected by institutional forces.



I've already been down these rabbit holes man I'm focusing on myself right now, where I'm going not where we were.

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