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File:1716027236497641.png (1.49 MB,1440x1080)


¥ lobby the city to repaint all the roads to squeeze in bike lanes they aren't wide enough for
¥ ride on the sidewalk anyway because there aren't enough pedestrians to ram into in the street
¥ treat walkways like extra lanes they can use even when every signal is saying it's someone else's turn
Bikefags are a plague.


bikefags glow in the dark you can see them if you're driving
you just run them over, that's what you do


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (290.18 KB,1920x1080)

It's weird. Bikes are nice but the people that ride them enthusiastically seem to inspire a lot of ire in people. I know the types, though, so it's understandable. It's just weird that it came about


File:chen honk.jpg (167.63 KB,1080x1080)

they should go back to standardizing horns on bikes and trikes


I think the animosity comes from how many bicyclists don't follow the rules of the road even though they're supposed to. Myself included
Because screw you I'm a bike!


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I would care less if they acknowledged what a nuisance they are and made any effort to stay out of people's way, but no, it's everyone else's fault for not bending over backwards to accommodate their retarded method of transportation. Get splatted.


they should make roads that arent wide enough for a bike lane bike only


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You city folk don't know about tractors and RV tourists.


apples and oranges
a tractor needs the road and takes up a lot of space, a bike doesn't and is just a faggot hogging the road at 3 mph


rail wins again


Meanwhile Japan seems to often just stick everyone on the road, whether they're cars, bikes, or pedestrians.
Seems to work out well enough for them (most of the time).


>Seems to work out well enough for them
At least a dozen people get killed by a truck every season.


Yeah but 90% of the time it's people crossing the street so really we need to ban crosswalks.


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pic of the bike slut im about to catch and raep


I'd cycle but it's not safe cars will kill you y'know


Cars don't kill people. People kill people.


Cars don't kill people. Cars kill cyclists.

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