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File:fran eat.webm (447.14 KB,664x814)


How do you like your bananas? I like them to be a bit brown, but they're only in that state for about 2 days and it's such a waste because I don't want to eat 6-7 bananas in that time. Where is science when you need it?


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Usually as close to a solid yellow colour as it can get. If it's too green it doesn't really have much flavour to me, and if it starts getting brown it runs the risk of getting those nasty brown spots on the fruit itself. The spots usually are safe to eat, but I really hate the texture of them.


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I like them long, hard, and deep.


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A good choice in gif


My mum makes choc chip banana cup cakes with browned bananas and they taste really good, she actually waits for them to be brown before making them.

That could be a solution to your problem in a way, though while retaining the flavour you are also changing it into something else.


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There's only one way to properly eat bananas.


I like bananas with brown spots on the skin but a smooth surface on the fruit itself, optimal sweetness.
You're supposed to buy a collection of bananas at different ripenesses, not all the same. Then you eat the most ripe one every day. MY grocery store even separates out the bananas by ripeness levels and has labels saying how many days until ripe.


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Where I live, all the bananas on sale are greenish. It's frustrating. When I want to eat a banana, buying one won't do me any good. And I suck at predictive purchasing.


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Becoming one with the banana.


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Do they sell them separately where you are? For me it's just bunches, so I would need to buy like 30 bananas to do what you're describing.

This is true for here, too. I think people buy the ones that are mostly yellow, I certainly do, so what remains is mostly green.


they sell them by weight and the bananas come in small groups like 1--5 not massive bunches of 10 or more bananas. because they're sold by weight it's ok to just break off however many bananas you want anyway
this is in australia


yellow with some green to it
brown is bad, green is okay but the peel is sticky and hard to get off, yellow is good too


File:Musa velutina.jpg (66.56 KB,400x562)

tired of eating the same damn 'nanner all the time

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