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File:anzu thumbs up.png (110.38 KB,243x261)


If I'm active on the workplace Slack at 7 in the morning then I'm allowed to goof off in the afternoon and check out early.


go to work and sleep early


File:F6rqRM6awAAaw3D.png (56.42 KB,2048x1536)

If your company pays you to do a job and you do the job then there's no reason to put in extra hours if there's no job to do.


File:5216f26bf81a7e76a514c604b9….jpg (809.39 KB,1599x2297)

Nonsense, there's always more work to be done.


You don't get paid to accomplish a task, you get paid to sit at your desk for a period of time. Whether or not you did work is irrelevant. If you arrive late or go home early, you're cheating the company and should be fired.


File:f4e4ce1d2cda8aa87138e3ce36….jpg (156.43 KB,1356x1026)

But what if I'm always home.


File:1531056009589.png (1.23 MB,1430x2000)

Workplace? Company? Never heard of it.


is alice taking over patchy's role as main neet?

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