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Strongjaw, lord of chitin.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (204.93 KB,1920x1080)

Beetles are pretty cool. Somehow the general grossness of bugs excludes most of them.
(I looked for what I thought was a Mewkledreamy episodes with a big beetle on it, but now that I think about it I'm not sure it was Mewkledreamy. Was it something else? I know I saw it a few months ago..)


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which horn configuration do you guys prefer?
for me it's rhino horn style


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was it this chad


The functionality of the massive pincers can't be beat

How do you know his name?!
No, it was a regular bug that attached itself to some girl's clothes, but I can't remember anything aside from that. Hmm... maybe it was NNB


sleep tight, bugger


that bug's name is jeeg, please be nice to him and do not disrespect him ok????


Then why did you call him a different name? That was rude!



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File:[Chotto] Shoujo Shuumatsu….webm (14.24 MB,1920x1080)



it's for self defense dont trample his rights


it is your fault for being rude to him


>Somehow the general grossness of bugs excludes most of them.
You might say that, but their larval and pupa stages are super gross. I think there's a video of someone who took a picture of one every day to show the process of it's transformation and it's really... bleh


The more I learned about inverts in general the less I find them gross. Earwigs and some species of crab taking care of their young was cool to me.
Eusocial insects like bees are of course a whole other ballgame.


Also, I thought this was a cool report.


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I just realized. The way that beetle's mandibles are is kind of like elite's mouths in Halo.


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I am more of a leg man myself.


is this sailor moon


File:[HorribleSubs] Hakumei to ….jpg (711.22 KB,1920x1080)

It's Hakumei to Mikochi.

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