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do you play video games? i play video games sometimes. what video games do you play?


No. I do not play video games.


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i gayme 100% oj and total war (the good ones)


I've been known to play some video games here or there. Right now I'm playing Palworld! Before that it was Dungeon Travelers 2-2, which I need to get back to finish but I was at a grindy part that kind of made me lose focus.
I greatly appreciate RPGs made in Japan, or JRPGs are they're generally called today. Roguelikes are good too, although I'm someone that can't do the extremely simplified graphics thing with the @ symbols and such.


>Roguelikes are good too
Could I interest you in HyperRogue? It takes place in a hyperbolic plane, which has different geometry to the Euclidean geometry that people are used to, and gameplay is deeply affected by this. There's an online demo. It has an ASCII graphics mode but defaults to vector graphics.


Right now i have been playing some Touhou and Castlevania 4


I bought a dancepad and am going to stepmania my weight away


i bought a nintendo 64 controller and used it for a week


My sister was telling me she thinks Earthbound is a really challenging game and it's weird that nobody talks about it. It's an interesting perspective, especially considering it's her favorite game and she's played it like a million times.


She might be using the Casey bat or yo-yos, but it does have a difficulty spike


The part where you become robots near the end does get difficult. So is the first boss fight iirc


@ symbol classic roguelikes are the only true roguelikes.
Everything else is roguelite


fighting a losing battle here
those are called classic roguelikes now, everything else is roguelike/lite
the determining factor isn't ascii graphics either, some of them have tiles


I can live with it being called a classic roguelike.


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I clicked the video there and there's no way I can play that. After 3 seconds of watching the movement in that I feel nauseous. Seems like a cool idea, but my peripheral vision is sending me a strong 'stop looking' signal.

Earthbound is definitely a challenging game. There's a few roadblock bosses that were very frustrating, but it also has a few of the infamous JRPG story triggers that are confusing and nonsensical.

"Roguelite" refers to the games where death isn't a complete wipe of all progress. Stuff like unlocking shortcuts, abilities, or stat boosts for future playthroughs. It does make it easier over time, but a lot of them are pretty much designed with this in mind. Roguelike/lite are labels that get abused a lot because people simply think of it as anything with randomization and one life.
There's also the "Mystery Dungeon" genre that is similar to roguelike/lite in basic gameplay, but instead of death you're generally knocked out and you lose all your items while you wake up in a safe area like a town. It's the default Japanese way of doing these games, really. Shiren the Wanderer is a really great series of games, and of there's there's the *drumroll* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. Azure Dreams on PSX was my first introduction to it, but I was too dumb to understand it back then so I should go back and play it for real someday.


Does that mean Dark Souls is a rougelite?


no because it's not procedurally generated, all of the game's layout is fixed
that was implicit because it's not what distinguishes -like from -lite


No it's more like a myserty dungeon-lite.


Does that mean Mystery Dungeon is a Soulslike?


I'm going to play Portal. It's quite highly rated and the robot sounds cute.


Finished it, the ending is quite fun.
I don't really have anything to say about the rest of the game, well other than it was easier than I thought it would be. I'll try the next game tomorrow.


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No, but classifying roguelikes and roguelites is the Dark Souls of labeling


Portal 2 started off stronger character wise but then they change the personality of the robot halfway through and it ruins her. Gameplay was just more of the same kind of thing but for longer so it kind of overstays it's welcome a bit.


My favorite roguelike is minesweeper


Thinking about playing Era-tohok again.


Been playing a bunch of the Mario RPGs recently.

I find it interesting that Paper Mario was originally going to be sequel to Super Mario RPG. I think it was for the best that it became its own thing. I love Paper Mario, but compared to Super Mario RPG, it's definitely a much smaller game.


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I played p3p all day.
Bloody expensive game but I need my friend simulator.




dumb cute shab


I really, really like videogames, I like RPGs and JRPGs the most but I'll play pretty much anything- right now I'm about to play SMT: DDS


I haven't seriously gamed since the pandemic. I assume I haven't missed anything aside from Baldur's Gate 3.


Elden Ring was pretty great.


RE4 remake


gonna take some vacation days for dragons dogma ii


been video gaming the hell out of EU4 recently, I'm stuck in 920 AD Saxony, most of Europe went Orthodox (including me).


How do you play EU4 in such a way that you need to go outside of the normal timeframe? I end almost all my games by 1500 because there aren't any meaningful collapse mechanics to shake up the tedium of world conquest once you're the #1 great power.


Is omori good? The art I see of it on boorus is cute


The people who seem to like it strike me as the same weirdos who are obsessed about Undertale. I'm not sure what that says about it, but Undertale was okay so maybe Omori is also okay.


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Easy, you blob responsibly.


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Oh! Also there's a mod that does the exact thing, called responsible blobbing, also I use this other mod to trigger collapses for shits and giggles.


It's a Western developed RPG Maker game inspired by Japanese RPG Maker horror games like Yume Nikki and Ib, but with more traditional JRPG-type gameplay. If that sounds like something you're interested in, I say check it out.

Speaking personally, I think it's a good game, although it can be a little too style-over-substance for me. There's a lot of characters and locations in the game that feel less like people and places and more like cool designs someone wanted to put into a video game, and it can get to be a bit distracting. With that said, it's very ambitious for an RPG maker game, with way more content than is typical of games of its kind and a ton of custom scripting.


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>blob responsibly
You mean keeping relationships positive to counteract AE instead of truce juggling? You can't possibly mean keeping AE above -50, can you? Or, and I shudder to think this, only fighting one war at a time?


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I only fight one war at a time, using death-stack armies.
I'm trying to figure out a good start date, I want to do post-West Rome collapse but I don't know what exact time I want to do it.
Might do somewhere around the 400-500s period of time.


I have been thinking about getting into Paradox games now that Total War is pure crap but never gotten around to do it.


Paradox games are crap too now since you need a thousand DLCs to play them


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You disgust me. Death stacks are not time-efficient, manpower-efficient, or even period-accurate. Go fight massive wars against all of Europe like God intended.


>fight massive wars against all of Europe
Ch...Charles, is that you?


Apples to oranges. There's a bunch of RTTs games you've probably never played


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I think I would miss the map painting aspect if I played a pure RTT.


How am I supposed to play it then? Split up my armies into smaller groups and have them siege?


Also how the fuck do you have 16 merchants at 1517?


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They're not really anything alike (maybe Stellaris is a bit closer since you have some input in battles there), but if you've got a few hundred hours to kill CK and EU can be pretty fun. They've got multiplayer too, though I've never tried it on any of them. Just remember that pirating Paradox games is a moral imperative.

Yes, the optimal strategy (assuming you can't open the war with a stackwipe+carpet siege) is to have a big army to check the opponent's big army while small detachments siege down the areas behind you or that otherwise can't be reached by the enemy army. This speeds up conquests dramatically and prevents you from dying to attrition like the AI does. Though in that game I kept 20k balls so that I wouldn't have to micro since I was just trying to force the prots to turn back to the Lord so they'd stop tanking my IA growth and let me revoke so I could get the cheevo and end the game. The only way to declare on those central states with a CB was to manipulate the alliance trees of every minor in Europe, so it ended up like an early 30 years war.

Colonies and trade companies. You get a free merchant when a colony hits 10 provinces and when TCs get a majority market share in their region (which is super easy since they give huge trade power bonuses). So that's 11 merchants from colonizing the Americas and two from north African TCs, probably. One from colonization ideas, two base, and maybe one from a SEA TC?


Yume Nikki isn't Japanese.


it's not? how so?


Oh, I just checked and actually it is. Hmm. I could swear that it wasn't... Just ignore what I said.


westerners don't use rpgmaker


I browse F95 zone enough to know that's not true...

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