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File:Screenshot 2024-01-06 1211….png (117.21 KB,390x512)


I've been thinking that it would be nice to have an additional spot to sit that's not my desk chair or my bed, but furniture is awfully expensive... Maybe I should trying going to some thrift stores or maybe a consignment store and see if they have anything reasonably priced.

Do any Kissu frens have experience with this kind of thing? Furnishing a room on a budget.


Everything I own came from the side of the road or from my parent's house


Thrift stores are good. Craigslist and places like that will also have bargains. Invest in a steamer because of bed bugs being such an issue, if you are a dedicated second-hand furniture owner maybe look into something like this https://www.amazon.com/ZappBug-killer-treatment-chamber-exterminates/dp/B00F67RHWG


In the winter you can bag the stuff up and leave it outside in the freezing cold for a few nights. Kills most stuff. What it does get you can nuke with an air compressor + disassembly.


I could never use second hand furniture.
You can get fairly cheap recliners around the place anyway, mine was $500 from a department store and there are cheaper ones from Ikea.


that's really expensive for a chair. You can get some better office rolling charis for that price


>fairly cheap
I can tell why you would never use second furniture......


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My immediate family has never once bought furniture. We have relatives that are relatively (heh) well off and just get the hand-me-downs. From my time moving their stuff around I think if I were to buy furniture I'd want it to be inflatable.
My guess, and it's just a guess, is that in-person stuff at flea markets or pawn shops would be the cheapest because stuff listed online would have more prospective buyers. I could be wrong, though.


File:hans-wegner-swivel-chair-….webp (64.45 KB,1125x1500)

have I got an offer for YOU
premium, the BEST chair in existence
MAX comfort
MAX feng shui
at an absolute BARGAIN price for entry into the pearly gates when you die


You can get simple painted particle board and low grade wood for <100$
As long as you order things on Amazon you can get a lot of low quality furniture.
Ikea also does well if you have a budget.


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This 70ft partion has some terrible craftsmanship, but can you tell?


well.. my picture kind of sucks but whatever...


flippin furniture fashonistas


dont take pictures if your cats not in them


getting dissed by the cat requirements...


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nothing fancy, these are refurbished and also from relatives


your outlets are sad


yeah that's how they are the only way to make them feel fulfilled is to p-p-p-plug'm up


Must be the dangerous wildlife.


My cat would destroy that nice seat with their claws...


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cwc chair


pic of cat's claw


good catdrawing


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Found a nice chair for $50. Admittedly, it does not match the aesthetic of my room at all because I'm not a 65 year old grandmother, but it was incredibly comfortable. It even reclines and sways slightly like a rocking chair. The only downside is that the chair appeared slightly broken? On the left (right, if you're sitting in it) side of the chair, there was a rail on the middle backing section of the chair that was popped out from riding on the connecting it to the chair. I tried popping it back in while I was looking at it, but I don't think I did it correctly because it popped back out when I leaned back in the chair.

If it's still there tomorrow and I can fix it to my satisfaction, I'll think about buying it. If it wasn't for that one issue, it's pretty much the perfect chair.


File:Chair rail thing.png (20.36 KB,1527x696)

My description of the issue seemed a bit poor, so here's a rough diagram of what I meant. At least, that's how I remember it being. I think this rail is supposed to allow the back to recline a bit, but I'm not sure. When I was messing with it, I think I might have only managed to catch the bolt head on the flange of the rail rather than getting it back into the track itself, which was why it popped back out when I leaned back. That's my hope at least... If it's really broken, I'll be sad because was a really nice chair...


Really? Those wooden armrests don't look too comfortable to me. Finding computer chairs with soft armrests seems difficult, too. Maybe my tastes are just unusual or something.
The price is good!


Well, I'm not looking for a desk chair, just somewhere to sit while reading or playing handhelds and so forth. Supporting my arms isn't really that important for those sorts of things.


Yeah, I figured... I've just come to hate wooden armrests. Far better than the one in the OP, though.


kissuers keep rejecting chairs ITT because the chairs are not sturdy enough to bear the full brunt of a kissuer sitting down in one


Acquired the chair. Its issue was what I thought it was. Now I can lean back all I want. I didn't notice, but it rocks back and forth and the back can recline. It also has a lifting leg rest. Good $50 chair. I am content.


Oh, but that reminds me... It's a recliner. Do any Kissu cat owners have any particular thoughts about them? Some people online seem to say they're a death trap for cats...


I've heard that too and I can see why. It's not a big deal if you're careful (and some of them are hard to actually get into for animals) but on the other hand it only takes one mistake for something terrible to happen. I'd say it depends on how the recliner works


Hmm. Well, the front portion is blocked off when the leg rest is raised so nothing can crawl inside, but it seems possible for a cat to crawl in from behind... Unfortunately my cat likes me so I'm going to have to endure a campaign of harassing them to stay the heck away from the recliner.


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I need one of those tables you find on restaurant patios so I can swivel between laptop and desktop


Why does your cat have a microphone? Is he a Youtuber?


no, just annoying


The bigger question is why is there a slipper on the microphone.


The cat goes on extremely offensive tirades when playing games and it's a precaution so it doesn't get picked up by the mic



actually that looks kinda trash... probably something a bit more office-y


you could probably make a diy one of those for way cheaper


Only if I have time I want to spend on leisure to make it


I don't like the size but 300$ for something close to ideal is not bad. At 200$ I think you'd get a nice C shaped desk. Then CCA it at 20% per year off of your small business taxes... pays for itself



small penis taxes

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