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I can't stop thinking about getting doxxed. I've heard about small time internet people getting doxxed by trolls for fun, and even though I haven't done anything to make myself a target or really even have much to lose from being doxxed, the thought terrifies me.


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I used to care but then realized that nothing would probably come of it anyways and so I stopped caring. What would they do? Show everyone that I am indeed a dude that uses the internet? It's not like I put up anything embarrassing online that people could use against me and all my internet posts are anonymous so nothing could ever be connected to me.

In the extremely unlikely case anyone ever showed up to my house I have plenty of guns and shooting practice.


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>In the extremely unlikely case anyone ever showed up to my house I have plenty of guns and shooting practice.
I have plenty of tea and coffee.


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I'm definitely protective of myself, but I wouldn't say I'm overly worried about it partly because of the whole protective thing. I've never had a presence on social media and I don't leave the house much so I don't really even know what kind of effect it would have. Nonetheless, I never want it to happen of course.


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I'm coming for that tea




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I've never been that concerned with people doing it; that's part of the fun. What info about me is true? what is false?

What does concern me is very advanced AI being used to sniff out all the habits that make me, well me, flagged and plotted out in those big data clusters of dots that each have like they're own solar system and satellites. Finding every mask, but worse, implying what the whole would reveal in sincerity.
The trolls can grow bored and move on, or we may become friends, maybe it was just a passing fad in college and the normie life awaits them; for the most bitter and demented like a longtime /qa/ troll or fruitfarmer, I can only hope they overdose on their own toxins and are off worse for it.

AI however, could torment and deceive me and never cease.


If you keep a low profile its unlikely anyone will care


i have a shitpostey persona, and whenever i disclose personal info, it's intentionally vague and never said publicly. even though i like to be an asshole at times i dont think im relevant enough to be doxxed


I wouldn't worry about it. Most of the time when I see random nobodies get doxed they're only relevant for a day or two before the hivemind moves on to the next interesting person.

I worry about it myself so I do this;
as well as making shit up to lead people down false trails. But I don't hang around with those people much anymore so I don't find the need to do that much these days.

Unless you're e-celeb or something I wouldn't worry about it. It also helps if you don't maintain social medias accounts in general and rarely have your picture taken. Most people are so boring there wouldn't be anything interesting to read about if they were doxed.


you sound like an idiot


you sound like a genius


you sound of average intelligence


you sound bored


you sound like a paranoid

You have to accept the uncertainty that you may get doxed.
I have, multiple times, even if I tried my best.

Someone actually doxed me just because I talked about visiting a church on a specific day. Another idiot doxed me because I said I avoid eating something specific while I eat other um... products from the same family.


nobody has doxxed me


i doxxed you


doxxed myself


this shab just doxxed me


the shabs are growing too powerful!


The problem with that is that I'm an artist, meaning I kind of have to maintain an internet presence if I want people to see my stuff. And even though I really haven't really done anything that most people would find objectionable, I'm afraid of becoming too popular on accident and making myself a target.


You should look into starting an LLC for about $100 anon. You can do all your business/professional stuff while hiding behind it. There are several states where you can open one anonymously. That way the only thing that can be doxed is the LLC's company name. All the share holders involved remain totally anonymous.

It's also very useful for tax purposes. This is how all the mega rich people hide.


even if you do get doxxed nobody will really care to do anything with the information. its a scare more than anything, every single time


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unless they consistently react in a really funny way: see Drachenlord and CWC


Do you mean ¨getting doxxed¨ or do you not want people to discover that you're a drawfag who uses imageboards? or both? There's a difference between getting full on doxxed and getting namedropped. If you don't want people to discover you're a drawfag you might want to stop posting your work anonymously if you do, or you could not care and treat your use of imageboards casually like other artists but i don't know if this is what you're asking.
Western art community (especially Xfags) getting mad at someone for the wrong reasons and harassing them isn't something unheard of, sadly.


Don't put your screen name on your LinkedIn

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