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File:__itsumi_erika_girls_und_p….jpg (245.83 KB,640x480)


That was one of just many flies that has died in his basement,

in Albany, New York.


I think insects feeling pain is still in theoretical territory. Some of them do have a response to stimuli in a way that might be similar to pain, but calling it pain isn't correct.
Well, and these things have such simple brains that I'm not sure this could qualify as suffering even if their bodies weren't failing. How could they recognize it?
He really did turn that fly into a red mist, though, wow.


something is going to be looking down at you saying the same thing someday


Its limbs are already effectively dead. There's not a functioning nervous system, or possibly even blood there any more. Any human in that position would struggle to maintain any semblance of reality, and we don't know if insects have consciousness or not. I certainly hope they don't since the insect world is one of truly monstrous deaths.


Also, I think suffering is something that requires higher brain functions to exist. If a fly were to experience pain in one moment, there is nothing to demonstrate to it that it will feel it one second later. The expectation of pain and knowledge of futility is really a key part of the gift to sentience known as suffering.


humans feeling pain is still in theoretical territory, just because a biological robot someone shows a response to stimuli doesnt mean they're 'feeling' anything


I'm stupid so don't pay much attention to this. But one must remember that the body is a system, for us to feel pain we have to have pain receptors and then the messages they send have to be processed by the brain. We now humans have a more advanced brain than pretty much everything so there is that, the same message of pain may be emphasised by humans due to this. I would also hazard a guess and say that the pain receptors on insects may not be that developed or existent at all, even in other mammals it may be that there pain receptors are less developed than ours and combined with an inferior brain they may not feel the pain we do.


the entire world is screaming out in pain


your two options are either "humans dont feel pain" or "if i mix the right endorphins in a glass and stir it with a spoon then its experiencing extreme unimaginable agony"


Some random solution in a glass doesn't experience qualia.


neither do you


I do, but you don't.


Also, I don't think there is actually even a reason for insects to feel pain in the first place. They are very small and simple and quite expendable. It doesn't really make sense evolution wise to give them the complex machinery for the ability to feel and process pain.

A mammal is much larger and more complex, they are more expensive. It makes sense to add pain in order to stop them going stupid things, however it does not even matter if an insect does something stupid as they are that numerous and have such rapid reproduction, adding more complex machinery would only make them use more energy and take longer to develop and to what end? They are quite fragile so if something causes them pain they are probably going to die anyway, not to mention that they have short lives to begin with.


You misunderstand evolution. There is no higher reason for functions becoming present or not, simply that some trait succeeds in out-competing some other trait.

>Also, I don't think there is actually even a reason for insects to feel pain in the first place.
Pain results in a greater number of survivors compared to those that cannot experience survivors. Evolutionarily, pain will always out-compete lack of pain. Over all reproduction does not matter. The species does not matter. What matters is the trait.


That itself is a higher reason.

There is always a trade off, adding pain receptors and such adds complexity and adds cost. It makes it take longer to produce a creature. In this case what would be the purpose? As I said if it's in pain then it's most likely dead or going to die as they are very fragile, if it's dead or going to die it's not going to reproduce. So then all you have done is made it take longer to produce a creature and made it take more resources for the mother to have to consume, so a creature that is exactly the same but breeds faster and with less resources would simply outcompete it.


Everyone's arguing about whether insects can feel pain but the better question is: can /qa/ teens feel pain?


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>so a creature that is exactly the same but breeds faster and with less resources would simply outcompete it.
Waiting any day now for the rabbit uprising.


That already happened in Australia so they used Calicivirus to genocide them.


>adding pain receptors and such adds complexity and adds cost.
This is what I mean by seeing higher reasoning. There is no calculation of cost to evolution, it is simply competition.


Cost is a part of competition. If a creature performs nearly the same or exactly the same as another creature only it has some advanced features that require longer gestation and more resources to be consumed for that gestation then it will be outcompeted by the creature that doesn't require that.


you have no way to connect what you're talking about to the inner experience of the fly. I heard flys only feel pain on tuesdays.

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