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I went to my local library today and got a library card. To my surprise, it entitled me to free membership for some major newspapers as well as magazines. More importantly, as I mentioned in >>>/qa/117881, it also allowed me to link my library card to Libby. Libby is a free app that lets you check out ebooks and audiobooks through your library. OverDrive on Kobo e-readers lets you do the same thing. As far as Kindles go, it seems you can link your Kindle to Libby and then send ebooks to your Kindle that way (unfortunately you can't do everything on your e-reader itself, like with Kobo e-readers). I was a bit surprised to learn that my address was excluded from the broader regional library system of the metropolitan area I live in, but my local library system consisting of just 5 libraries still boasts ~50K ebooks and ~15K audiobooks. All in all, I highly recommend that my fellow Kissu frens head to their library and get a library card so you can read lots of ebooks! It's certainly a lot less hassle than having to track down pirated copies of books or having to pay for a copy. It's also shut-in friendly since you don't need to leave your house to check out books since everything can be done through the app or your e-reader!


aw, neither's available in this region... hope others can make use of it
oh and very nice cat


My uni library also stocks newspapers and magazines, sometimes I'd just go there to read those.


The real good stuff is on microfilm


I got a library card just to be able to use the printer at my library. Guess I can check out the other stuff although I already just pirate all my ebooks anyway.


The best part of library access is local history. Even my small local one has mountains of content about local folklore and records that have yet to be converted over to digital. Anything they don't have can be requested and loaned out from another local library.

The librarians are always excited to help anyone that comes in looking for that stuff. I guess they get tired of dealing with the homeless and constant stream of people coming in to use the computers for internet access.

Last time I needed to dive into the local archives for something the kawaii librarian was impressed that I knew and could still navigate the old dewey decimal index system.


I think I remember hearing a while ago that a lot of microfilm has become damaged due to the material degrading for one reason or another. Hopefully someone is working on digitizing them.


They've been moving a lot of stuff over to digital at my local library but the microfilm archive they have is massive so it's going to take many more years. A lot of that old microfilm has degraded and been lost forever yes. A lot of old film is flammable or otherwise volatile. Most of the films produced before 1930 or so have been lost forever because of fires and other accidents. But a lot of it was also destroyed on purpose.

One of the groups I hang around is dedicated to archiving old films and TV programs. We've been trying to track down the Dumont network shows for years. Nearly everything in the archive was destroyed on purpose and dumped into a river. The only stuff that still exists are copies people made back in the day which are incredibly rare.

One of my favorite shows from back then is called "The Plainclothes Man". It's a detective show that was filmed 100% in the first person perspective. It's a really interesting show and I think it's the only one ever produced using that technique. Only a couple of episodes still exists despite the fact that it ran for several seasons. Check it out sometime it's really cool.


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First person films are pretty cool. A while ago I managed to catch a film called Lady in the Lake on TV. I remember it having some pretty cool tricks like showing the protagonist in a mirror and, if I remember right, casting proper shadows and showing their arms and stuff. Very cool.


I'll check this film out it sounds interesting. I like wacky stuff like this.

I also like watching old 40s-60s era American content for the culture it promotes. There is an old show called "Time for Football" that aired on the DuMont network in the 50s. The commercials for beer they play are funny as hell. I don't like beer and it makes me crave it. "The beer as refreshing as skyblue waters"


I linked to the wrong week. Here is the one that has the beer commercials intact; https://youtu.be/fZ3eGdgLQdU?feature=shared&t=308

I always liked how showed by then had one primary sponsor that would contentiously shill during the broadcast. Crack open a cold Hamm's beer and light up a Camel. We're watching the highlights of the week!


super cute kitty!!!!!!

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