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File:B5441374-E3D9-4644-9FD1-2….jpeg (52.47 KB,1600x840)


Anonymous was talking about how search results have gotten worse due to SEO and AI articles, which reminded me of this article I read. In no small part, the reason why places like Amazon's search have gotten so bad is because of user retention metrics and shopping. In essence, by the results being worse you will look for longer and may end up buying something that is inferior, and then come back to buy something else when what you had originally bought didn't live up to your expectations. Search engines like Google have the same incentives, but instead of directly selling you things they want to serve you ads.



Amazon: That's just poor software design.
Google: The internet is so large that applying user heuristics to establish context helps in most casual situations


It's to say, that competitors would be more viable if they were doing something that makes use experiences worse... so who's at fault? Is it you or is it the company?


There is a guy who's got a drum he likes to bang on that topic and he calls it enshittification and it already has a wikipedia article


The company is at fault, always.


The goal of any for-profit company is to make the shareholders money. They have no incentive to care about anything but that unless it somehow leads to that later down the line. If kuso practices bring in profits, the corporate cogs will spin such that kuso practices are implemented.

So no, I wouldn't say it's the company's fault. It's not exactly yours (plural) either, but I really can't blame the company. It's just doing what's in its best interests. Sometimes they'll align with yours; oftentimes they won't.


Rent-seeking behavior is scummy as shit and endorsing it through inaction is evil.


They may not have a search engine monopoly but they definitely have a web engine monopoly to the point they practically control the future of the WWW


I don't disagree. But the real issue is a political one (in the sense of actual politics, not internet-noise identity politics). Rent-seeking behavior exists because the system allows it, and the only way to truly stop it is to change the system.


It's getting really hard to find one website that doesn't embed scripts from google. Worst part is if you block them half the time the page will not render. Then there is the whole issue of google amp and amazon's version of it.

As with most things the root issue is money. If it wasn't for the money none of this would be happening. As it stands we're in a race towards the bottom and it's ruining all creativity. The content now is worse than it ever was but people are making more money off of it than ever before. There is almost no one left out there doing things for free. When people did it for free the quality was very high. Now we have endless clickbait and AI generated garbage with no fewer than 10 ads embedded into it along with begging for donations on top of it.

The worst part is people that are clueless actually defend this behavior. My main pet peeve are the people that create nothing whatsoever and simply "react" to other content getting paid more than the person that created the content in the first place.


because google analytics is a good tool for ad revenue websites


File:[SubsPlease] Migi to Dali ….jpg (220.17 KB,1920x1080)

Please don't bring politics/political labels into it


with or without the labels, it's still just politics

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