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File:1667039020732.png (422.8 KB,800x800)


My cat is sitting on my bed and wants to sit in the very middle. They're currently sitting between my legs, but this position is very uncomfortable. I would move them but they fell asleep...


who cares, just pick up the cat and move it.


Cats have feelings too, you know. You shouldn't just treat them like dolls to play with.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (231.76 KB,1920x1080)

Quite a few times I've had leg soreness because of maintaining my position on the computer chair due to the cat or lying in bed (playing video games) and needing to occupy the side instead of the whole thing. I think this is something that just happens if you have a cat that demands attention. A good problem to have I think


I think you first need to address how your cat multiplied midway through your post.


Uhhh, pic of cat in the middle of the legs?!


You too


I don't have a smartphone and uploading low quality images from my flip phone is annoying. Also the scenario of the thread is being unable to move, which means that I can't actually go grab something to take a picture


File:tegaki-1704227726234.png (6.72 KB,380x380)


flip the cat


It's a nice feeling when the cat falls asleep and their tail goes floppy


File:tegaki-1704257685372.png (13.1 KB,380x380)

First-person view I guess


holy what the FLIP thats cute

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