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File:waterfox_QdvgGRDN72.png (138.18 KB,1160x466)


Well... Japan has had another earthquake. Tsunami warnings and... I hope this isn't a repeat of 2011.


7.4 is a bit high



Twitter is probably a good place to see news, but I don't have an account. I think West coast is a better place to have it than the 2011 location which was to the East. I mean, when it comes to overall people and damage potential


File:brave_vvfAUGPu20.png (526.96 KB,1180x682)


File:brave_GfdNmO0vBW.png (11.38 KB,892x205)

This is such weird timing. Here I am in giko for the first time in a year and giko people that live in Japan are giving updates
CLickable link: https://may.2chan.net/b/futaba.php?mode=cat&sort=3


I have a theory that places with more natural disasters create better ties among people since society is forced into trusting that their infrastructure can withstand nature's fury.


Wow how sad


File:EQs_1900-2013_worldseis.png (2.67 MB,1817x969)

I really doubt there's any significance there. This would be a map of such communities and I don't think they stand out as a whole. Plus, every society has experienced terrible disasters in regards to war and famine and disease and various other forms of misery.


File:waterfox_ZjYlyOiODb.png (1.94 MB,1397x801)

Pro cameraman during aftershocks (upper left)


I wonder why people live in places with natural disasters at all, the first people who got there chose to stay there


I would imagine that it's a case of being forced there by neighboring tribes and strife, or that the natural resources from the area are still bountiful, and worth the risks.


Seems like it's nowhere near the 2011 level due to the location. There is damage and deaths, but for what could have been it's relatively minor?


7.4 vs 9.0 is a huge difference


Damn I'm trying to view some updates on the damage and X is nearly unusable for search results now thanks to the way Musk encourages impression farming. Even using Japanese keywords I still have to block so many useless Ahmeds, Singhs, Islams, Khans, Pradeeps all with bluechecks.


they even blatantly copypaste each other's post titles and some are obviously from the 2011 tsunami, bunch of shitheels.


These events are still rare and the damage they have on more primitive societies and people would have been much reduced. An earth quake won't cause much damage if you live in a hide tent. After that people adapt to it and accept it.

But really, fires were a much larger issue historically in Japan(and most places really) than earthquakes and Tsunamis were.


Its not like in ancient times people on island nations can just leave easily like they do now


So I guess it wasn't a big deal?


Pretty much, yeah


There are no places without natural disasters. Earth is everywhere and she can kill you at any time without warning.

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