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File:1671111926912.jpg (155.88 KB,744x1044)


With some frequency in news and online I hear about "factory farming", but from my travels throughout the East Coast, Appalachia, the Midwest, South, and Southwest I have yet to actually see anything that looks like a factory farm. Cows in particular I've never seen anywhere other than modestly sized to large ranches. That said, I have been to chicken farms and can recall them being in cages to lay eggs and then their eggs would roll down metal tracks into a collection basket. I haven't really seen any pig farms. Sheep I've seen in Appalachia on small ranches. Horses you see everywhere on ranches (but obviously Americans don't eat horse). I wonder where all the factory farms are...


They're in the mid-west. East coast is mostly comprised of old small family farms that are slowly being converted into apartment complexes and gated communities.


Hmm. I suppose. Now that I think about it I've only been to the Rust Belt states of the Midwest. Not the true flyover states as it were...


File:[SubsPlease] Spy x Family ….jpg (239.87 KB,1920x1080)

There's chicken farms around here. Don't have much else to say.

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