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File:Screenshot_20231228_135944.jpg (629.31 KB,1080x2070)


Saw this ad on YouTube. It's kind of amazing how even the most inoccuous videos get demonetized, meanwhile literal scams and borderline NSFW ads show up regularly.


File:Screenshot_2023-12-27_at_1….png (1.21 MB,1333x1365)

It took at least 2 days after reporting it for Youtube to do anything about all these impersonator streams blatantly running with a bunch of purchased viewers.
They all lead to the same phishing website through a QR code.


File:Undead.Unluck.S01E12.1080p….jpg (258.79 KB,1920x1080)

What the heck, why are you seeing ads? Block them!
As for your post, I have no idea. I'm not sure if youtube cares that much, does it?

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