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This book I'm reading keeps using the word, "stave." I can't tell if they just wanted to use a different word than "club" or if they're under the impression that the plural of "staff" is "staves".


the plural is obviously shabs


A stave is just another way of saying staff, is it not? Maybe that's the word they're more familiar with.


what book


I once tried reading a book but dropped it since it lacked bishoujo and moe.


Mushoku Tensei. Made it to the eighth book. The anime seems awfully faithful, seemingly taking dialogue directly from the novel. There's only been a few changes I've noticed, mostly minor. Like no reunion with Rudeus' aunt Therese when he's leaving Wind Port, not as much perspective switching, not really covering the extra chapters, and making Rudeus seem more like a uselss bum when he becomes depressed at Eris leaving him (In the novel he helps with making buildings and even makes a surrounding wall around the refugee camp at Alphonse's direction). And the ero scenes are a lot more softcore, but that's to be expected for TV anime.


File:s-l1200.jpg (252.7 KB,900x1200)

Obviously they use 2×4s


I don't think so because they do use the word staff.


Is this verb or noun?




I should read more novels. A lot of the manga I read has an LN it was derived from and waiting on scanlation/new chapters is getting tiresome. There's also details left out or segments getting compressed due to the medium. Did you buy your books or get them from somewhere else on the interwebs?

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