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Speaking of bridges, the other day I drove past some construction being done on a highway interchange. From what I understand, newer elevated highways are made entirely of concrete spans, but this one I saw had steel members supporting the road above it. I wasn't sure if it was a new steel supported bridge, or maybe maintenance being done on an older highway.


When I was a kid those types of bridges were pretty common but most of them got torn down by the mid-90s


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Wait I'm baka I thought you were talking about truss bridges.


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Yeah, not one of those. There used to be one where I lived as a child that was converted into a pedestrian bridge, but that's besides the point. I meant these sorts of elevated highways.


Most likely they're using temporary steel supports before they pour new concrete supports. Who knows though. Where I live they've been working on the same highway for 15 years now and nothing ever seems to get done. Highway construction is a big scam. If they don't use up the entire budget this year they don't get the same amount of money the next year.


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On the topic of bridges, I passed beneath another. This one had thick, heavy metal chains hanging slack from the bridge that then linked to concrete blocks set into the sloping inner edge beneath the bridge. It looked something like this. Wonder what those are for. Anything structural I would imagine as being taught and probably using braided steel cables instead of heavy chains so I can't really thing of what these might have been there for. Dampening to prevent the bridge above from moving too much? I have no idea.

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