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File:1605437386740.jpg (269.15 KB,1442x2048)


I like how cell towers have their cables bunched up in a line that follows the inner edge of the steel structure.


File:20231231_102409.jpg (6.96 MB,4032x3024)

Ah, speaking of antennas I passed one painted in alternating stretches of red and white. I'm quite fond of antenna towers painted like that. Shame most newer ones are just boring unpainted metal nowadays.


I miss the ones with bat ears. They're getting rare now. Do you watch videos of tower climbers by chance?


File:spencer_harding-4.jpg (401.14 KB,1500x1500)

Bat ears? Are you talking about those microwave relays horns? And I do sometimes watch those climbing people, but they kind of freak me out. I've been afraid of heights for most of my life so I could never imagine climbing up a tower, much less without any harness or safety gear to prevent me from failing...


File:tower.jpg (243.69 KB,1871x1058)

These. They stopped producing antennas with them decades ago.


Can't believe no one invented an ingenious rope and pulley system for replacement


>Do you watch videos of tower climbers by chance?

I've had this bookmarked forever. I watch it once in a while and my hands sweat every time. This particular video is probably the most popular one, too. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH HOW DOES HE DO IT?




This guy is pretty cool, but his videos worry me


not nearly as high but this is one fascinates me


Nice. I liked that a lot. A comment says it took him 5 months. That must have been very satisfying to complete.

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