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File:[crossover][enoshima junko….jpg (498.88 KB,1000x1412)


Hey if you didn't hear, Reddit basically outsmarted a bunch of hedgefund managers that were short-selling GameStop stock
I think this is probably the first time I'll ever say this but holy shit that's really cool fuck hedgefund managers and bankers.


Yeah, although I don't understand all of it and don't really plan to learn about it




pyrrhic victory
you bite their finger they eat your arm
expect regulations and social division/disinfo psyops to skyrocket in the foreseeable future


File:KF Caracal 001.jpg (307.22 KB,2508x3541)

I heard of it. I don't like the idea of poor people making money, at least a good portion of them are going to hold too long and lose it though.


File:KF Lesser Panda 002.jpg (177.56 KB,850x800)

The weak are meat, the strong eat.


This post aged well


File:dddd.jpg (38.86 KB,252x242)

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