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Cities built on important rivers always look so nice.
I never realized that China's river systems are so economically viable. It's like the Great Lakes yet spans all across their country. Crazy


Unfortunately their economic viability has been an ecological disaster


relative to who else though. Regardless. Chongqing has a nice layout


How can I know if my river is important? I'm afraid it isn't...


I heard on a video that the US river system is one of the best in the world, but some protectionist policy from the 1900 prevents international ships from going through Canada's Great Lakes and delivering things to the midwest.

Turns out the protectionism prevents even US vessels from using the lakes for economic purposes


>US river


Are you talking of the Jones act or something else?

The Jones act mandates that vessels travelling from one US port to another have to be made in the US and crewed by and captained by Americans.
As that is what river transport is, going from one US port to another, it effects that as well, and because most river vessels were made outside of the US it severely damaged that industry.


yeah, that was it


Im kind of surprised this stuff is on youtube considering the site is banned in China


Yeah well... it might be a state sponsored tourism video since it goes only through the nice parts of the city. But even that considered it's still quite nice


That's a weird road at 45:17. Two lanes feeding into one lane that is wider than usual, but still not wide enough for two cars. Seems like a planning error there, but they don't seem to be going very fast so it's probably fine.


To be fair to the PRC, visitors of most places won't see any rough/bad parts because there's nothing for visitors there, and are mostly residental (this is excluding rural areas, which can get really bad, even the touristy stuff there gets horribly sad). The worst you'll see is some unhappy people in certain cities and binge drinkers in northern China.
There's a lot you can say about those commies and living under them but they make it an alright place to visit.

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