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Why doesn't the US and Canada have festivals like in Japan?


There's lots of festivals everywhere here in the US and I can't imagine it's different in Canada.
It's more a question of "Why isn't there a well known nationwide festival" and the answer is that we're not condensed into a tiny area, so unless you go looking for them you're not going to know when and where they happen if you don't live there yourself.
Looking at my area we have a beer festival and also a separate food festival to raise money for Turkish Earthquake victims right now in addition to regular stuff that people do monthly. They're not going to have hundreds of years of history behind them since the country isn't very old, but we have tons of festivals throughout the country. Generally if there's a certain amount of people in an area there's going to be festivals because it's just in our nature as social animals that are very fond of routine.


>"Why isn't there a well known nationwide festival"
They also aren't monocultural.

In North America, it definitely depends on the demographics of the area as well. For example, many of the festivals here are done by the Catholics and Muslims.


Or they're based around sport, which again interest depends on demographics generally but not as much so.


i guess sport does replace traditional festivals. We're like the old age romans watching people beat one another up and then partying


They probably do like >>2144 says.

But also we are probably under the impression that many Japanese festivals are much more widespread when they are not, they are still just local events that any nation holds.

I think you also ignore the large religious festivals like Eastern and Christmas and the National holidays and whatever Thanksgiving day is.


Interestingly Canada and America have unrelated holidays called Thanksgiving.


My hometown dedicates an entire week to festivals. Sadly, it's probably going to stop soon. 2020 they didn't have anything and 2021 there was great debate on doing it but they still did although the turn out was very low. We used to have two separate weeks in the year for festivals but we haven't seen anything happen during the earlier time of the year since around 2012 as the town dedicided to not host them anymore yet raising city taxes claiming it's for festivities when they've been cutting and gutting more each year. Quite sad.

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