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please watch this video and tell me what you think
thank you for your time


I got scared...


It made me curious about animal physiology.


Watched it. It's very catty. I kind of expected that ending and they somehow never really worked on me unlike earlier things on the internet
nice cat, A+


reminds me of my cat who'll barrel towards me if i play that game with him heh
although he can be a bit rough


this is too many replies in too short of a time i am getting overwhelmed so i will see you guys never bye


adding one more, it'll make you stronger


I also got scared >_<


i know a cat that looks like this


We are two sissy anon...


i got scared


he got scared




scary thread


I, under the United /win/nish Crown of No. 2086 and No. 2092, can confirm that I was midly surprised and somewhat shocked.


jumped a bit


did expect this too but got scared anyway


is it OP's cat


Knew it was going to happen but I still got scared watching it a second time. (´・ω・`)


It's scary. It scared me. I'm one of those people that seem to flinch for everything xD. Probably a consequence of never playing a ball sport


is this the scariest thread in kissu history?


In terms of jumpscares, it's highly probable, in terms of terror, not even close.


sorry for posting such a scary thread during the wrong season


he got unscared!


pic of cat barrelling towards you


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i knew what was coming and i still got scared


This thread is dangerous!


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me too... i remembered it being on the third peekaboo.......


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This thread is a great example of why we must exterminate the domesticated pest, known commonly as the "house cat".


dog hands wrote this post
go bark at another filthy mutt like you


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mutts make the world go around, while cats make a living profiting of others' work


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cats are little shits, but they're endearing little shits that will ask for cuddles after scaring the daylights out of you
I just wish they would cover their poop better


i have never seen my late cat's poop

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