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File:1665880179968123.jpg (35.64 KB,512x288)


do you like this


this i like


Is it possible to not like this?


File:alucard03.jpg (33.38 KB,277x379)

I'm interested in this


File:C-1676661335955.png (33.83 KB,149x142)

Do you not see that Im INCREDIBLY grumpy


oh my god, you have a kotatsu?


as long as they don't singe their fur; it looks like they might easily fall asleep like that



This makes me uncomfortable. I can just imagine unknowingly sticking my feet in there and getting brutally mauled.


stick your face under the kotatsu instead


This puts me at ease. I can just imagine unknowingly sticking my feet in there and running into all of that cute fluff.


That's too cute...


love cats so much


File:1654513708368.webm (1.81 MB,480x854)

what about this


creepy and a sin against nature which has already perfected feline cuteness


is that an ai interpretation of the cat's movements?


It looks like one of those filters from TikTok or something.


Reality sure does suck

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