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File:5e3de3fd83f8ae9b89cb9468ef….jpg (432.05 KB,1768x2480)


How's Gamestop going to affect the stock market going forwards into the future?


GME is going to be the first stock to actually reach orbit


It depends on how stupid people are with it. It's going to crash eventually but it's a matter of how many people are going to lose large amounts of money because of it, maybe it will kill meme shares in general if enough memers get hurt by this.


Also it might push more legal measures to be introduced to prevent stock manipulation.


But how will they make those measures so that they fuck over the common people while ensuring manipulation higher up stays the same?


this isn't a pump and dump, otherwise they wouldn't shut down retail trading already
the hedge fund will go bankrupt and be bailed out with taxpayer money, it's only tens of billion dollars (since measures were already implemented to prevent further damage) so nothing huge will happen
the bailout will happen, otherwise it means that they will disobey the rule and sow distrust in financial system which would result in a real economic crash
also why do you care about how people spend their money, it's none of your business
by only allowing accredited traders to do trading and outlawing retail trading


It doesn't matter whether it is a pump and dump or not(or whether you see it as one because a great many will and will act as if it is). It has noting supporting it at all other than the meme, it's going to crash once the momentum ends. It will not hover at $350 long term.

>also why do you care about how people spend their money, it's none of your business

The OP asked what impact this was going to have on the market, I answered....



Looks like a lotta folk wanna sue, but it seems to be pretty legal.
Could, maybe, perhaps, possibly, mayhap, become illegal. Hoo nose.


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