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File:handyman-isekai.jpg (277.38 KB,994x700)


Picked a lock to a door just off to the side of my apartment. Cat always wanted to know what was behind it and so do I.
Think it's never been opened in years because it makes a huge squeal sound when I tried to open it. Will have to find a good time of night to open it up when everyone is lying in bed. Like 3 hours from now I think.


File:il_1588xN.1683475516_rb2l.jpg (54.79 KB,1588x1588)

Took me about 3 days of effort to get to the point where I understood how to go about solving the problem, but I kind of get the idea behind lockpicking now.


pls post pic of cat


she's on /win/ already


my cat used to be absolutely transfixed with this hole in the top of a retaining wall that allowed her a view into the neighbour's yard
she would hunch near it and stare into it for hours


is it >>376


old thread dude



hidden in plain site


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (315.99 KB,1920x1080)

So.... what was in it? Or did you enter another dimension and can't answer?


just construction materials


turns out I have to pick it again to lock it.


Lockpicking is rape. You're a criminal.


Lockpicking is rape. You're awesome.


Lockpicking is fast. You're a rip-off.


always a good idea to level your lockpicking skill


i've never heard of that one before but it feels really r9k.

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