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File:16753036549132214557841731….jpg (2.9 MB,3968x2976)


A laptop user knows when to trade off portability with modularity


File:IMG_20230201_210205.jpg (1.75 MB,3968x2976)


Pretty cool setup. Technology really is amazing


power of USB-C


apparently this monitor can be powered and transfer data through USB-C but haven't gotten that worked out so I have to use my HDMI port


The drawing tablet I got uses two USB-C ports for power and for its signal from the computer, but there's a difference in requirements that I don't really understand, but one of them has a thunderbolt icon next to it to signify the difference. I can't get it to work with extension cables I bought, so that sucks. I'm missing something but have been too lazy to bother looking it up


Love seeing laptops not being used as a laptop. I would love to do something like that but I'd rather buy a PC than a laptop since laptops tend to be more expensive and have more heating problems compared to a PC with similar specs.

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