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File:Yoursky.gif (7.5 KB,1080x1080)


How much of the stars can you see from where you live? For me, the cutoff is about magnitude 2.9 (pic related, Uranus excluded). Only a few constellations have enough stars visible to be recognizable.

Do you have any favorite websites for figuring out what the objects you're seeing in the sky are? I used
for the OP pic; it's an old website, but the new ones I find in a quick search don't seem much improved. It's very useful to be able to adjust the brightness cutoff for the stars displayed, or unless you live in the middle of nowhere you can end up with a sky map so dissimilar to your own sky that you can't find anything.


File:screen-shot-2016-05-05-at-….jpg (46.72 KB,640x426)

I've never counted but I can see a lot, more than I'd be interested in counting... Personally my interests lie in the ocean and its mysterious creatures.


what a beautiful sight
we must fund more deep sea exploration


File:sky.png (29.85 KB,767x765)

Haven't ever thought to check before, but looking now it seems not much better for me - maybe a cut-off of around 3.2. Sucks to live close to the central city (and to have bad eyesight for that matter), but at least it isn't hard to find dark skies near where I live. Unfortunately while I was outside looking, it seems a mosquito or three spotted me so I am left slightly worse for wear because of you, OP you bastard.


File:Yoursky.gif (12.15 KB,640x640)

where i used to live it was like this, there was very little light pollution
i wonder how easy it is to dox someone with these
i changed the time to a random one


File:2021-01-24-084903_1919x929….png (1.23 MB,1919x929)

>i wonder how easy it is to dox someone with these
>i changed the time to a random one

I tried it on my own image by adjusting parameters until I got the original image back and was able to get the original latitude very accurately (5 arcseconds off) but, as you might expect, was not so accurate on the longitude (4 degrees off). But the longitude could have been found more precisely if I had generated the image immediately before posting it. Time randomization and delay between generating and posting can be somewhat defeated and if you include the moon and planets in the image, but I used the moon and planets and was still 4 degrees off. If you're paranoid, it's best not to enter your latitude or longitude more precisely than you're willing to publish. I personally set the latitude/longitude to a nearby city (San Francisco). Pic related were the coordinates I reconstructed.


File:STARS_on_EBEX_ld2012_image.png (406.13 KB,802x633)

reminded me that this exists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_SR-71_Blackbird#Astro-Inertial_Navigation_System

also in ww2 they used little wooden mechanical flight simulators combined with planetariums to practice celestial navigation

also i believe that ballistic missiles and ballistic missile submarines can still use celestial navigation just incase that GPS is exploded
im impressed


Even with light pollution I'm jealous of your sky.


File:sky2.png (11.72 KB,639x640)

Thought I'd try this again since I'm currently on holiday in the middle of nowhere with effectively zero light pollution. Could see to 4.0 or so but the sky was at least half covered in cloud which certainly didn't help (also the noises outside were rather unsettling so I decided not to stay observing out there very long).

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