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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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Winter is coming... is kissu ready?


There's already feet of snow on the ground where I live.


chiruno-chan noooo!!!


You can see the rough outline of the Appalachian mountains from this. Neat.


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I'm definitely feeling it and it's only going to get colder


It looks oddly pulsating


I think that's the day and night difference



old man winter is starting out serious this year wow


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Any kissus actually traveling in this weather?




Traveling to relatives with my brother and we've had to pull over multiple times to throw some antifreeze on the windshields and scrape off frost.


I made sure my Dad in the boonies was all stocked up last week; no way would I travel in this.


I blame that bastard Snow Miser. Heat Miser must have lost their battle and Mother Nature sucked off Snow Miser releasing a big wintery speeeeerm all over the US.



Comfy weather.


It's finally decent christmas weather


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cold cold cold cold


Florida is so weird, even from a temperature point of view


no mountains and below sea level.


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Very nice


btw this day SUCKED


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From the thumbnail I thought that was China at first.


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I hate the cold


When Florida falls into the ocean they'll be basically the same shape.


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That's obviously Cirno, baaaaka


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So, are you Chinese or Cirnoese?


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cant wait for summer


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This is cool! I stood outside for a minute without a coat and obviously it was very cold, but then when I walked inside it was like the warmth wrapped around me and it felt much warmer than usual. I guess it's like a reverse sauna effect?


Shaping up to be cool again


I had fun driving around in it today and plan to go out tonight once the traffic dies down. Most of the roads here are surprisingly in good shape. State has really stepped up their game on scraping and putting down salt lately. But I'm hoping some of the backroads haven't been touched by them yet.

I had a lot of fun today passing by people in the ditch. I would have stopped and helped but if I did I would end up in the ditch myself or get rear ended since people here have no idea how to drive in the snow and ice. When I passed by later someone had pulled them out so hooray for common decency. If they were still stuck I would have come back with my tractor and helped them.

I love driving in the snow. Don't get to do it very often. But every time it snows here people freak out, rush out in it to buy all the beard, milk, and eggs. Then they end up in a ditch somewhere because they don't have snow tires and don't know how to take their time. I swear it's even worse now than it used to be with all the people from outside of the area moving in. Most of them come from places where they've never seen snow before. It's always nice to see them enjoying it for the first time. Especially the kids.

After I drove around today I scraped my Grandmother's driveway and swept the snow off her porch. Then I made a snow man.


I don't have AWD so my cars are tarped up and parked away from where the plows will push briny snowbanks onto them.
Probably on foot until Tuesday.


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I hate winter! I wanna go outside and rollerblade, but its too cold out.


I don't use 4WD unless the snow is really deep. RWD in the snow and ice is the ultimate fun.

I want to rollerblade but the only place I can do it locally is at the rink I haven't gone to in decades. I don't want to drop $300+ on new skates just to find out I can't do it anymore because of my knees. I'd rent some skates but the ones they have are really crappy.


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Holy crap we might get a few inches of snow here! It's been years since it happened. The kids might actually get a snow day, and that's always exciting.


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It snowed today!! yay!!


Took me twice as long to get to work because everyone is driving like cowards.


This day has yet to be topped by any of these recent pathetic “winter storms”

Father Winter’s really let himself go


why the HELL am I hot when trying to sleep when it’s like 10 degrees out
this cold storm is so gay


I got snow too! SNOW SNOW SNOW!


My building puts the heat way too high so I leave my window open a lot even in the middle of the winter and today I woke up with a pile of snow on my windowsill. I've been leaving the window open here for a few years and this is the first time snow came inside like that.


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now tomorrow, will be cold


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oops so used to ignoring it in the winter i forgot to turn on feels like


That's pretty cold, huh


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It's getting really dry

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