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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:chrome_xKFwI7Tn7Z.png (2.35 MB,2129x1800)


Winter is coming... is kissu ready?


There's already feet of snow on the ground where I live.


chiruno-chan noooo!!!


You can see the rough outline of the Appalachian mountains from this. Neat.


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I'm definitely feeling it and it's only going to get colder


It looks oddly pulsating


I think that's the day and night difference



old man winter is starting out serious this year wow


File:d96459f2b7a8bd9fd15140f315….png (1.1 MB,1600x2000)

Any kissus actually traveling in this weather?




Traveling to relatives with my brother and we've had to pull over multiple times to throw some antifreeze on the windshields and scrape off frost.


I made sure my Dad in the boonies was all stocked up last week; no way would I travel in this.


I blame that bastard Snow Miser. Heat Miser must have lost their battle and Mother Nature sucked off Snow Miser releasing a big wintery speeeeerm all over the US.



Comfy weather.


It's finally decent christmas weather


File:chrome_YEd5UKwRSn.png (1.64 MB,1345x835)

cold cold cold cold


Florida is so weird, even from a temperature point of view


no mountains and below sea level.


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Very nice


btw this day SUCKED


File:meiling.gif (27 KB,250x250)

From the thumbnail I thought that was China at first.


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I hate the cold


When Florida falls into the ocean they'll be basically the same shape.


File:20240112_004103.jpg (1.63 MB,1975x2497)

That's obviously Cirno, baaaaka


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So, are you Chinese or Cirnoese?


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cant wait for summer


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai de Mof….jpg (224.51 KB,1920x1080)

This is cool! I stood outside for a minute without a coat and obviously it was very cold, but then when I walked inside it was like the warmth wrapped around me and it felt much warmer than usual. I guess it's like a reverse sauna effect?

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