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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:tenor.gif (256.22 KB,220x158)


I wish it snowed here in California, nothing happens for winter here except it's 60 degrees instead of 70-80...


Well, on the bright side, you're not missing much this year. Where I am on the east coast, it's snowed less than 5 or so times this year.


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It's been rain and stormy wind for 2 weeks now and forecast for another week of the same. I get to sit here wrapped up in a cozy blanket watching the animes and browsing the tubes.
It's not so bad.


I forgot it was still winter.


I knoq that feel, brother. Winter is harsh in the southwest, just cold and no snow.


In my experience everyone loves snow until the day comes that you have to drive in it.


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>The Fahrenheit scale is now usually defined by two fixed points: the temperature at which pure water freezes into ice is defined as 32 °F and the boiling point of water is defined to be 212 °F, both at sea level and under standard atmospheric pressure (a 180 °F separation).
dude really

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